January is about to slip through our frozen fingers and some of us have still not written down our goals for the year. Then some of us dashed off an ambitious list of resolutions during
Read moreMarry Your New Year’s Resolutions

January is about to slip through our frozen fingers and some of us have still not written down our goals for the year. Then some of us dashed off an ambitious list of resolutions during
Read moreIS FORGIVENESS WITHOUT FORGIVING POSSIBLE? A TIME FOR FORGIVENESS I’m looking back at the holidays. It is the day after Thanksgiving and Turkey broth is on the floor. I was in the fridge looking for
Read moreA new year has some folks thinking of new beginnings, especially with New Year’s resolutions. I’ll start a new diet, learn a new language, cultivate a new relationship, maybe move to a new country. The
Read moreThe rec center was a mad house. It was a wintery Iowa evening, and my boys were shooting hoops with what looked to be half of the population of our small town. In addition to
Read moreI made New Year’s resolutions once. I filled an entire 8-1/2 x 11” notebook page. Split down the middle into two columns. Double sided. I had a lot of resolutions. Then life happened. And I
Read moreBefore the ball drops on January 1st, people pull out a paper and pen and list all the things they’d like to change about themselves. They want to be thinner, smarter, more successful, or more
Read moreEach year holds the hope and promise of a new beginning, a fresh start, a chance to once again look with expectation and say, “What Will the Year Behold?” Like the Christmas story that
Read moreStarting a new workout routine this year? Don’t just make the decision. Make it real. The best way to do that is to establish what you will call My Space. No, not the failed online
Read moreA carefully chosen word can create a thousand pictures. I truly believe this statement. In fact, my life as a writer depends on it. I’m a word person. Words call to me, even when I
Read moreIf you could select one word for 2013, what would that word be? One thing to focus on. One thing to improve. One thing to overcome. One thing… I started participating in the My One
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