Prophesied messiah, or prejudged leader? “John. Peter. Paul. Come, follow me.” I imagine Jesus’s smile as he reached out his hand to each man. But, did they drop everything and run to Him? What about
Read moreDestined To Lead

Prophesied messiah, or prejudged leader? “John. Peter. Paul. Come, follow me.” I imagine Jesus’s smile as he reached out his hand to each man. But, did they drop everything and run to Him? What about
Read moreWhat kind of leader do we strive to be? Leaders come in all kinds of different shapes, sizes, colors, and temperaments. There are good and bad leaders. Honorable and dishonorable. Benevolent and despotic. Self-sacrificing and
Read moreA new director at the company where I worked had a Get-To-Know-Me meeting with all his employees. We grudgingly showed up for another dog-and-pony show by a new boss intending to increase our morale. But
Read more“For a poor skinny kid from Birmingham, Alabama, who felt like a zero, a nothing with no ambition, my opportunities have been amazing! By all that is logical, I should never have been born and
Read moreCaleb . . . wholly followed the Lord, the God of Israel (Joshua 14:14). Have you found yourself in a setting where the leader gives a controversial statement and group members are asked to move
Read morePeople look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 Appearance vs. heart. How often are we turned off by facial features, body type, or mannerisms? Do we listen to
Read moreThere is an opportunity in between all of that to have a real impact. This is how.
Read moreWe can read all the books we can get our hands on, but if we don’t have our hearts right, then it will be difficult for us to be the leader God is calling us to be.
Read moreSin had ensnared another victim. I listened as the newscaster gave a piecemeal report. The leaders of a noted mega church met behind closed doors. The pastor had planted the church sixteen years before on
Read moreDo you ever get discouraged at how problematic the world has become? Perhaps your heart sinks at the avalanche of troubles burying you, your family, or your friends. And you may be thinking that even
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