A rush of wind swept through the treetops like the sound of crashing waves, its power witnessed in the bending of branches and the tousling of remaining leaves. Yet far below the forest canopy, I
Read moreTag: how to find God’s presence
Hope Bursts Through a Threatening Cloud of Darkness
A dark cloud approached on the horizon — a deep charcoal, threatening cloud signaling a storm with significant rain and fierce winds. The gray veil of the beginning drizzle began to settle over the mountain valley as the wind began its assault.
I sipped my coffee as I watched the sultry clouds deepen over the ridge.
Read moreAmerica under siege and the Faithful Shield of God
I closed my eyes against the forceful fears of the Coronavirus, the racial unrest, and the threat of America becoming a nation I don’t recognize. Quietly I spoke, “Jesus … Jesus … ”
There really is something about that Name.
Read moreThe Father of Lights Has No Shadow of Turning
Sunlight blazed from the summer sky filling the earth with heaven’s light. Blue and I walked along our country road — Blue sniffing out critters, me whispering prayers and finding refuge beneath my Father’s wing.
The Spirit of God made His Presence known all about me as the gentle breeze whispered through the pines.
Read moreWhen Haggard Praise Becomes the Glue That Restores a Family
Bless her heart. She was a haggard little thing. Feathers were askew, falling out, barely hanging on. Molting? Maybe. I’m not sure. What I am sure of is how she spoke to me this morning. My family had endured a direct and deadly hit from the enemy that nearly destroyed us. I could relate to this wren’s haggard appearance.
Read moreA Voice as Soft as a Gentle Breeze
“The voice of the Spirit is as gentle as a zephyr, so gentle that unless you are living in perfect communion with God, you never hear it. The checks of the Spirit come in the most extraordinary gentle way, and if you are not sensitive enough to detect His voice you will quench it, and your personal spiritual life will be impaired. His checks always come as a still small voice, so small that no one but the disciple notices them.” ~ Oswald Chambers
Read moreThe Color of Love on a Bleak Afternoon
From the corner of my eye I saw a flash of rich, intense sapphire blue. It was an indigo bunting! His gorgeous blue feathers glistened in the sunlight, reflecting the radiance of His Creator.
As I often do, I turned my thoughts toward the Lord while I pondered this marvelous bird … waiting … listening to see if the Lord had a lesson for me.
Read moreWith the Hope of God Comes Peace of Mind
Hope lives in the scraggly branches reaching toward the winter blue sky. Skeletons of life waiting. Knowing. Knowing that come spring, life will begin anew.
Read moreOut of the Cold Struggle of Darkness Came His Light
Night had fallen — in the hearts of men, across the face of the earth.
Out of the cold struggle of darkness came a warm and radiant Light. The embodiment of Almighty God. Immanuel. God with us.
Read moreFinding Hope in the Clash of Life’s Seasons
My mind was on hope as the sun rose above the mountain ridge.
The morning dew lay heavy upon the grass, glistening drops of refreshment clinging to each blade. In each tiny globe of moisture, the light of a new day reflected like glitter scattered across the field.
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