“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the
Read moreEmmanuel–Even in Aisle Three

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the
Read moreHave you heard of “taking a mulligan”? Mulligans are most common in golf, although I have also encountered them in shooting sports. A mulligan is a second chance. Sometimes it’s informal. If you get distracted
Read moreI’ve learned the hard way never to say “never.” We’ve all said that word. And I would venture to predict most of us have found ourselves doing exactly what we said we would never do.
Read moreBefore I Met Him As a youth, I carried a heavy burden. Guilt clung to me like a ball and chain. The church I attended did not offer a remedy. I struggled with temptations that
Read moreHow did Jesus love others? How can we love like Jesus? God calls us to imitate His Son, Jesus Christ. Christ set the example of how to love others in the most godly and practical
Read moreWanderlust, according to the dictionary, is a strong desire to travel we usually associate with humans. But I have a dog with wanderlust. Bernie is a long-haired dachshund, 15 pounds, young and full of life.
Read moreThere are divine Christmas presents money cannot buy. These presents are intangible, yet wonderful, and gift us with glorious things in life. When we think of Christmas presents, our thoughts ponder what to buy that
Read moreGod’s grace like rain came down on the parched New Mexico desert in October. What a wonderful reminder of the mercy and kindness of the Lord. Gone are the forest fires which plagued our state
Read moreThe day I was baptized I was sprinkled with water. I remember my pastor giving me a handkerchief so I could wipe the few drips of holy water that pooled around my eyes. Even at
Read moreSPONSORSHIP – FAITH IN ACTION Our daughter Grace held a photo of a girl in her hand. Winter Jam 2013, the Holt-sponsored Christian concert tour, was revving up as the Newsboys played “We Believe.” Is this
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