He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk! Then, walking, leaping, and praising God, he went into the Temple with them. Acts 3:8 NLT Giving thanks when both of my children left
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Rising From The Ashes Of Uncertainty

When I first saw this prompt, ‘rising from the ashes’, I thought I would go stereotypical and talk about a time when I, quite literally, rose from the ashes. But I did that last month.
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This year I’m taking the lowest amount of credits of my college career. I expected to start the semester with a light breeze as I walked leisurely around campus with nothing to do and a
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Before the ball drops on January 1st, people pull out a paper and pen and list all the things they’d like to change about themselves. They want to be thinner, smarter, more successful, or more
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