But God kept them from recognizing him. ~Luke 24:16 NLT The news stung like a hornet against bare skin. Christmas’ unexpected changes had invaded our home and yearly tradition. For over a decade, my wife
Read moreChristmas’ Unexpected Changes

But God kept them from recognizing him. ~Luke 24:16 NLT The news stung like a hornet against bare skin. Christmas’ unexpected changes had invaded our home and yearly tradition. For over a decade, my wife
Read moreNot a Tree Safe Around Here My husband and I rode down several side streets commenting on how much the landscape has changed since the storms. Lush, wooded lots are gone. Beautiful neighborhoods known for
Read moreThank you for giving me bread to break with family and friends. Thank you for my good health and even better cheer. Thank you for the eternal love, light, and meaning given to each of
Read moreAs she was cutting fist-fulls of hair from my head, my hair stylist told me this story: “When I was younger, I always wanted to have short hair and my mom wouldn’t let me. Then
Read moreBack in the olden days we didn’t have color TV, cell phones, or video games. We’d never heard of remote controls, DVRs, or microwaves. We didn’t surf the net, use credit cards, or take
Read moreMorning brings the light Sometimes bright Seasons change over time They flow like a rhyme Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall As time turns, we call Call on the name above every name For we
Read moreThe Israelite Egypt What began as Joseph inviting his brothers and their families to move to Egypt during the famine, turned into the Israelites being enslaved many years later. They lived among the Egyptians, but
Read morewas reading an article the other day on the Catholic Synod that started earlier this month. If you aren’t familiar, this “Synod on Synodality” convened bishops from all around the world to pray for God’s
Read moreFear over faith or faith over fear? You choose. Fear says: Life changes. Change hurts. I’ll stay where I am. God says: Chance change. Grow through pain. I’m with you all the way.
Read more“Peace. Be still,” Jesus said. He was talking to a storm at the time, but I’m pretty sure he tells me the same thing quite often. “Storm” could be my middle name some days. I
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