Surrendered Silence: Trusting God in the Middle

When plans don’t happen as expected, trusting God can be challenging. As a weathered Christian, my faith should not be shaken easily, but I confess my humanity and my fears. I know God is good. I’m sure of his faithfulness, but at the moment I’m living in the middle of the now and not yet. My husband and I have been preparing to move, but the move has proven much more difficult and drawn out than expected. I write this article to strengthen my faith because writing about trusting God helps me trust him. But I hope it will help you if you find yourself discouraged waiting on God.


David Waited on God

I have been reading scriptures about Jesus as our Rock. It’s been a helpful study in this season of my own transition and waiting. One of the verses on my reading plan was Psalm 62: 7.

My salvation and my honor depend on God;
    he is my mighty rock, my refuge.

David wrote this psalm for the director of music. I find this interesting. Did the director of music need this encouragement? Did David write this during his kingship or when he played the harp for Saul? I haven’t found a commentary with answers to these questions, but that really isn’t my point. David knew the shaky places. This is why he knew God as his rock and refuge. He knew where to go in the middle of the now and not yet–knowing God’s good promises but waiting to see them come to fruition.

Trusting God, Never Be Shaken

In Psalm 62:1-2 he proclaims:

Truly my soul finds rest in God;
    my salvation comes from him.
 Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Have you experienced a shaking lately? It seems a lot of shaking is going on in our world. Maybe the shaking you’ve experienced has to do with politics, or it’s financial. Perhaps, like me, your plans have been put on hold with no end date in sight. Your future is uncertain. Disappointment has knocked on the door of your heart again. Certainly it seems God is shaking many things, but we can trust his hand. David tells us how.

waiting on god

Surrendered Silence

The NKJV translates the first verse as, “Truly, my soul silently waits for God.” Spurgeon called this a “surrendered silence.” This spoke to my heart when I read it. I almost said, “Ouch!” I’ve found myself going in circles with the same conversation over and over and all it does is turn into an argument. Do you have anything that becomes an argument every time you bring it up? Or do you find yourself reliving the pain with friends, and you know you need to stop speaking the hurt or confusion? Will you join me and David in “surrendered silence?” This is a place of rest and trust.

Share Your Faith to Grow It

Some of the psalms are laments. The writer cries out to God frustrated and discouraged. But in Psalm 62, David is not writing to God, instead he is witnessing and preaching to the people of God’s faithfulness and power.

Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us.  Psalm 62:8

Remember how I told you I wrote this article to encourage my own faith? It’s biblical. This really works. While you’re in the middle of the now and not yet–a time of disappointment and waiting on God’s goodness, encourage others in their faith! Proclaim Psalm 62:8 first to yourself and then make this verse your ministry to others this week. Watch and see how this lifts your spirits and strengthens your faith muscles. Don’t forget how much this will weaken the power of the enemy who would love nothing more than weaken our trust in Jehovah Jireh, the Rock of our salvation.

waiting on god

He is Faithful

A dear friend did this for me a few days ago. Her life has proven to be one of the most difficult ones I’ve ever seen. I’ve walked with her through hard, hard places. Yet as we spoke on the phone, she was the one encouraging me over and over, “Andy, he is faithful.” I cannot tell you how much her words of faith encouraged mine especially knowing what she is still walking through.

So, I don’t know any better way to end this post today than to tell you I pray it sparked hope in your waiting heart and to say, “My friend, he is faithful.”


Other articles on waiting on God:

Though Your Story Seems Small

How to Keep Our Eyes Open for God


Andy Lee

Andy Lee is an event speaker, blogger, YouTuber, and award winning author of three books, A Mary Like Me: Flawed yet Called; The Book of Ruth Key-Word Bible Study: 31 Days to Hope and Promise,and Radiant Influence: How an ordinary girl changed the world.She passionately teaches how to find the life in God's Word in order to live abundantly. You can catch her life giving message weekly on Instagram and YouTube. She also provides monthly Bible reading plans on her website

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  1. Thanks for encouraging us during your time of shaking. So many are in hard places right now. I’m so thankful for the Body of Christ.

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