Summer nostalgia is common to all of us. Join the discussion and reminisce with other Inspire a Fire readers about past and present summers.Â
Summer Nostalgia
Summer is perhaps the most nostalgic of all seasons. With memories of vacations, lemonade stands, and night long neighborhood games of Kick-the-Can. History has some significant summer events, (The first moon landing was in the summer. And so was Woodstock and the March on Washington.) but for most of us, summer was about family time and neighborhood play.
My childhood summers were spent selling mud-pies made in left-over pot-pie tins, making mud-holes by running the garden-hose in the dirt, and painting myself from head-to-toe in said mud so I could be the best neighborhood Mud-Pie-Selling-Mud-Monster.
My husband’s stand-out summer memory was being squished in the backseat of his dad’s 1949 Mercury with his 8 brothers and sisters so that they could each get a free hotdog from the gas station at the Arkansas state line that was giving a hotdog to everyone in the car with a fill up.
Maybe your best summer memory is jumping off the high-dive for the first time with all your friends watching. Or perhaps you spent your summers on your grandfather’s farm, or at your aunt’s flat in New York.
Whatever your childhood summers were like, my guess is that you have at least one memory that causes your heart to warm and your eyes to moist.
There is a shared camaraderie in summer that beckons us to listen to nostalgic tunes and reminisce.
Summer brings with it:
Sprinklers and charcoal grills.
Bicycles and baseball bats.
Coolers and camping equipment.
High-dives and fishing holes.
Bee stings and poison ivy.
Ice cream and watermelon.
Swimsuits and suntan lotion.
Junebugs and fireflys.
(Leave a comment and add to this list of what else summer brings with it.)
Summer also brings to light the dreams that were conceived in the spring. The seed planted now blooms. The bell finally rings for the last day of school. And the anticipated road-trip can now commence.
Summer gives us all another chance to run free and shout at the top of our lungs.
But most of all, summer confirms hope that the sun will shine again. And hope that summer’s bright glow will obliterate the shadowed heart.