Green leaves. Budding flowers. Singing birds. Renewal.
Here in my part of Texas our azaleas have bloomed and faded. The trees all have their leaves. Loquat fruit hangs heavy on the bough. The grass is greening up. The Easter Lilies are above ground. Pollen is dreadful.
I love to stare at God’s wonderful creation and notice the subtleties that abound. Especially during the changing of seasons.
One day there are leaves on the trees. Next day they have fallen.
One day the trees are bare. Next day buds are sprouting. One day tiny orbs form. Next day fruit appears.
Amazing. Simply amazing.
Each fall it is the same old thing. The azaleas go dormant and look rather pathetic. But then the spring arrives and the bushes are full of gorgeous beauty.
Not long after they bloom, however, the flowers begin to fade.
I’ve often considered uprooting the azaleas and planting something different, but I never do. I enjoy their beauty however briefly they bloom.
Does God look at us the same way, I wonder?
In those seasons of our life when we just aren’t as strong, as healthy, as vibrant as we once were, when things become a bit dormant, does he ever wonder if it’s time to uproot us and plant something else?
Perhaps, like me, there are areas of your life you’ve allowed to become dormant. Whether intentionally, or unintentionally. We mean to do such and such. We intend to complete this or that. We want to be faithful to complete the good work God began in us. We really do…but life gets in the way.
Or we become discouraged.
Or fearful.
Or lazy.
The Bible says even though our physical being is gradually decaying, a fact we can’t reverse, our spiritual being is renewed day after day.
Every spring God works on the inside of the trees, plants, shrubs, bushes in the yard and renews them to burst forth at just the right time in glorious splendor.
He does the same with us. He works on the inside to renew our spirits to burst forth to display the work of a mighty Creator.
This spring might I suggest each of us take inventory of our spiritual garden and see if there is any dead wood we need to trim to make room for new growth?
I wish you well.