Ah, March is here. I’ve always looked forward to this month. Not because my birthday falls in it. That’s not it. As a youngster, I wished my birthday was later in the year when I could enjoy outdoor picnics, barbecues, and games. So, no, that’s not why I grow excited for March. This month marks the end of winter.

My passion is probably magnified now that I’m older and appreciate the snow and cold less than in my youth. I hate bundling up in layered clothing and sometimes still shivering. As a hobbyist photographer, I hesitate to go outdoors with my camera in extreme weather. Instead of going out to capture the beauty created by new snow, I stay warm inside with my laptop and marvel and applaud those who do venture out into the cold and share their images on social media.
As the snow melts and uncovers the browns and grays of winter’s death, I’ve asked the Lord to show me the beauty in that, but all I ever see is the evidence of the life that once was. So, I wait for the new greens of spring. The first blades of grass and the first leaves breaking out of their buds are lighter greens than their summer shades. It’s as if they hold a part of the sunshine that has noticeably gotten longer in the days leading up to spring.
Seeing the browns and grays give way to the new green is my delight. The announced new life arising brings with it hope, a hope that overcomes the negative thoughts of soon having to mow the yard every week. Upon seeing those first blades, I don’t care about the chore. Hope fills my heart. I will be able to be outside. I imagine never-before-tried adventures drawing near as the weather warms. After the long winter’s rest, I welcome the new life with exciting expectations.

My goal this year is to keep that mindset all through spring, summer, fall, and even winter. Each day contains newness, even if it doesn’t feel like it. Are there new relationships, projects, solutions, or closures for me this year? We never know what may come our way, but one thing is certain: God’s mercies in fresh supply. The prophet Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations 3:22-23, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.” That means His love and mercy are there for us, even if we are facing great troubles or loss. And his supply is fresh, like the first blades of grass in springtime.
While God never changes, remember that truth speaks of His nature or character. He may, however, choose to do a new work or bring about change in a new way. How He spoke or worked for you in the past doesn’t mean He will repeat Himself. And I’m glad about that. His creative approach to every situation keeps me looking to and for Him. Each encounter is fresh. Each work is special. This provides more proof that He is a living God who knows exactly what I need. He makes every situation work out well because of His love for me and His desire for me to draw close to be with Him for eternity. Along with His mercies, His life becomes new in me every morning. Thank You, Father, for spring, but thank You even more for the daily spring of You in our lives.