Spiritual Warfare Strategies: Guarding Your Front Lines
Our first line of defense in spiritual warfare is our front line. Maintaining strong spiritual defenses is one of the most essential spiritual warfare strategies for guarding against the enemy’s attacks (Ephesians 4:26–27). Anger leads to sin, opening a hole in our front line. All sin, any sin, creates a temporary gap in the line the enemy will exploit. We must resist the urge to leave our post and give the devil an opening. Instead, we are to be alert. Knowing that the enemy prowls about looking for someone to capture and kill, we must stand our watch with sober vigilance (1 Peter 5:8).
During the Battle of Bastogne in World War II, Easy Company was ordered to hold the line against German forces. Despite subfreezing temperatures, snow, limited supplies, mounting casualties, and being surrounded, the order came down, “Hold the line.“ Every two hours, men in the O.Ps.—outposts—rotated out and in. These soldiers were the first to see the enemy’s advance. In darkness, the enemy shelled the line. With eight inches of fresh snow on the ground, foxholes and helmets presented easy targets. During one review of their defenses, a commanding officer from HQ explained that no reinforcements, food, or medical supplies would be forthcoming. The duration of the battle might last days, weeks—perhaps months. Still, Easy Company was ordered to “hold the line.”
This is our charge as well. Even down to the last soldier, we are commanded to stand firm and guard our front line.
prAir Support IS Coming
Even trapped and with limited supplies, we have this hope: Jesus is praying for us. His prAIR power delivers us from the hand of the enemy. On one occasion, Jesus gave this word to a recruit. “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail ( Luke 22:31–32).“ Notice Jesus didn’t pray for Peter to avoid the temptation, but to stand firm in faith until the attack subsided.
Jesus not only intercedes for Peter, but he prays for us as well. “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message (John 17:20).“ With Jesus’ overwhelming prAIR support and the prAIR power of our allies—fellow believers in Christ—those prayers will destroy the enemy’s infrastructure, confuse his communications and disrupt his supply lines.
During the Battle of Bastogne, the Germans appeared to be a mighty force—an adversary one victory away from driving the Allies back. The German army was on the cusp of defeat. Conscripted to fight, old men and young boys carried whatever weapons they could find into battle. Carts hauled supplies. Horses pulled artillery to the lines. Fuel for tanks was in short supply. When retreat came, the German’s orderly withdrawal became a route. This is what awaits those who “hold the line.“ We will be victorious and route our enemy.
Run From Sin, Not From the Fight
A pure heart is a strong defense against the devil. Paul tells us to “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace“ (2 Timothy 2:22). By actively living in pursuit of the righteousness of Jesus, we prepare ourselves for whatever salvos the enemy throws at us. The righteousness of Jesus—our breastplate—blinds the enemy with its brilliance. The closer the enemy approaches, the more he sees what a puny, sniveling, impish little loser of a defeated foe he is. We are to thrust out our chest and advance with confidence, knowing that the righteousness of Jesus protects us from all weapons of warfare.
Flip the Enemy’s Battle Plans
One surefire way to beat back the enemy is to return fire with love. Jesus says, “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you“ (Luke 6:28). “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you“ (Matthew 5:44). When we act contrary to the enemy’s nature, we attack him where it hurts most—by spreading God’s love to those fighting for the enemy. We should always remember that we, too, were once enemies of God. His love bought us and brought us to Jesus. When the bombardments start, reply with kindness, generosity, and mercy. Love conquers. A multitude of sins, yes, but also sin itself. Let us treat prisoners of war the way we wish to be treated.
No Carping in the Foxhole
Grumbling and complaining destroy troop morale and weaken our lines. The Commander hears our complaints against Him and is not pleased.
“In the hearing of the Lord, the people complained about their hardships, and when he heard them, his anger was aroused. Then fire from the Lord burned among them and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp.“ Numbers 11:1.
Complaining reflects our doubts about God’s goodness and care. Griping shows a lack of gratitude for the blessings we have received. When we look for the negative, we find all manner of imperfections. What we see is what we get. What we seek is what we find. If we seek and look for faults, we can be sure the enemy will send more than we can handle our way.
It is much better to “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault.’ When we do this, we’ll shine like stars in the sky“ (Philippians 2:14–15). Regarding our attitude, God is clear: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus“ (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Gratitude is one of the most powerful weapons we have.
When tempted to complain, respond with thanks. If we send enough volleys of thanks and praise to our Father, the enemy will eventually give up and leave. He hates hearing anyone praised or thanked other than himself.
Bullets, Bombs, and Bayonets: Spiritual Weapons with the Devil’s Name on Them
When we declare God’s truth and stand in the authority of Jesus, we strike at the heart of the enemy’s lies and decimate his lines. The declarations that follow are spiritual weapons that wound the devil and force him to flee. God’s word is the Holy Spirit’s main weapon. Project God’s word to the enemy in ways that will remind him of the loser that he is.
Declaring the Devil’s Defeat
Once, long ago, you were called the morning star. But because of your pride, you tried to raise yourself above God. Big mistake. Dumb! You fell from your high place in heaven and were cast down. Now you’re a loser, a defeated spirit, stripped of power and glory. You are destined for everlasting punishment. And you dare come against me and my family? Big mistake. Dumb! Jesus gave me the authority to kick you out. Jesus gave me the authority to trample on you. In Jesus, I have His power over you. You have no authority over me, and nothing you attempt can harm me. By the power of Jesus, I stand victorious. You, on the other hand, are defeated and doomed. (Luke 10:19, Isaiah 14:12-15, Luke 9:1)
Speaking in Jesus’ Authority
I am the righteousness of Jesus. His Spirit is in me. He has appointed me to act with His authority in all matters, including dealing with you. Therefore, in the name of Jesus, my wife, kids, and grandkids are blessed. In the name of Jesus, all sickness is cast out. In the name of Jesus, the works of my hands and theirs are blessed. In the name of Jesus, we are protected and prosper. (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 John 4:4, Acts 3:16, Proverbs 3:33)
Rebuking the Enemy
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you for daring to come against me and my family. In the name of Jesus, I bring to mind what my Lord said about you: how you were kicked out of heaven and sent to earth. You lost any glory you may have enjoyed. You are nothing more than a wicked spirit without a body. You and your pitiful army of impish demons seek to live in pigs. That’s the filth of your kingdom. In the name of Jesus, I command you to leave me and my family and never return. In Jesus’ name, BE GONE, you devil. (Luke 10:18, Mark 5:11-13, Matthew 12:43-45)
The Devil’s Eternal Condemnation
You, Satan, are already condemned. The Lake of Fire awaits you—an eternal place of torment where you will suffer forever for every lie you’ve spread, every soul you’ve deceived. You are a loser, a deceiver, and the time of your judgment is near. You’ve been defeated, and your eternal destruction awaits. You’re nothing but a vanquished enemy. I stand here, in the name of Jesus, to remind you of your fate. You have no claim over me, my family, or my destiny. You’re done. Be gone, in Jesus’ name, and take your lies and defeat with you. Your end is sealed and I will cheer when you are cast into the Lake of Fire! (Revelation 20:10, Matthew 25:41, John 12:31)
Our Spiritual Blessings
God, my Father, has blessed me in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Jesus, though rich, became poor, so that through His poverty, I became rich. From these riches, God met all my needs. All that I need is in heaven, ready to be manifested on earth. “Lord, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.“ God seated me with Christ Jesus in the heavenly realms. In Jesus, I have all I need and more! Take that, you devil! I’m a child of God and rich. You’re nothing but a spirit headed for Hell. (Ephesians 1:3, 2 Corinthians 8:9, Philippians 4:19, Ephesians 2:6)
Authority Over the Enemy
God, the Father gave all authority in heaven and on earth to Jesus. God committed all things to Jesus. Then Jesus gave me the power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases. He sent me out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. When the Holy Spirit came on me, I received His power. I am His witness to the ends of the earth. Whatever I ask in the name of Jesus, He will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Take that, you devil! (Matthew 28:18, Matthew 11:27, Luke 9:1-2, Acts 1:8, John 14:13)
Declaring Victory
God makes me fruitful. Because I have God’s faith, I am a child of Abraham and share in all the blessings of Abraham’s offspring. Jesus disarmed you and your puny demon spirits, stripped you of all glory, and made a public spectacle of you in the heavenly realms. All the fullness of God lived in Jesus, and God is pleased to have all of Jesus’ fullness dwell in me. Take that, you devil! (Genesis 17:6,
Galatians 3:7, Colossians 2:15, Colossians 2:9, Colossians 1:19)
I have no power over Satan on my own. Only through the power of Jesus.
I particularly like this line – The righteousness of Jesus—our breastplate—blinds the enemy with its brilliance.
“Return fire with love.” Yes!