What is the most comforting Bible verse to you? What verse shows God cares?
Well, I was asking myself this last week. We created a pastoral care team at our church and were creating our own “greeting cards” to leave on visits. We wanted a Bible verse on them. So the debate ensued on what was the most comforting verse for someone in the hospital.
I was surprised that I was alone in my recommendation. The predominant selections were “cast your cares upon Him” or “come to Him…His burden is light” — which are awesome verses.
But my recommendation was from Matthew 10:29-31, Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Someone told me it was morbid because of the dead bird. Another said talking about something dying while someone is trying to make it out of the hospital alive might not be the best, and they each had a point. It was also too long for a card.
But this is my go-to verse because I have a hard time thinking God cares about the details. I struggle praying about the details, and wrestle with giving them to Him. When I read “cast your cares upon Him” — I just think big cares, but no He cares about the little details in our lives. If He knows when each bird croaks or at the least falls off a limb — then He knows when I stub my toe. So I guess that probably means he heard what I muttered under my breath, yikes. Anyway, He also cares not just the big things in my life, but the little details.
That verse from Matthew is a reminder to me, but another is a small detail from Old Testament prophecy that makes its way into the Christmas story. It is a common fact and a mere detail in the retelling of that famed night now, but at the beginning of the birth narrative the fulfillment of that particular prophecy seems impossible.
In Micah 5:2 it was prophesied that the Messiah – Jesus – would be born in Bethlehem. Again this is just one small detail in a long list of prophecy of Jesus’ birth.
Yet, if you were watching the events of His birth unfold it would be hard to imagine how Bethlehem would make it on His birth certificate.
Mary lived in Nazareth some 80 miles from the “O Little town of Bethlehem.” There was no reason for her to travel there. It would seem that the detail would not happen as God had foretold, but behold all the while in the Roman palace God was at work. For God cares about the details. The idea of a census was brewing. At the right time the announcement for the census was made, and Joseph was forced to go to the Bethlehem. Mary went with Him. And everything came together just as the Lord had said.

God has made you promises. He has given you instructions. It may seem as if it is never going to come together, but oh it will. For God cares about the details. He will dot every “I” and cross every “T” of His promises for He knows when each sparrow falls and each hair on your head.
He worked out that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. He is working to keep His Word to you.