When I first stepped into the building with the cool tile floor and saw those four little faces, I did not know what to do. I slowly approached the little ones hoping to use my “jump in” personality to my advantage. I sat on the floor and started stumbling over my words talking to a tiny girl. I went to pick her up and was afraid to touch her because of how fragile she was. Then all I wanted to do was cry. They were so small and fragile and I did not know what to do. Then I saw a smile. A small thing a smile, but from a girl with cerebral palsy who cannot speak, a smile speaks more than words ever could. Then I knew what my job for the next month would be. To make three little girls and one sweet boy smile everyday. This was my first day with the special needs kids at BYKOTA House.
BYKOTA House is an incredible ministry that takes in kids who are at risk. The home operates much like a family and the kids are incredibly loved and provided with an education and a safe place to grow up. BYKOTA House is unique in that it takes in kids with special needs who need extra care. I had very little experience working with kids with special needs until this month, but I absolutely fell in love with these sweet kids. Â The little victories, like getting them to drink more water, learning to communicate with them, and making them smile became the stuff that made my day.
I was so blessed in Cambodia by the Benz family who run BYKOTA House. It was amazing to get to spend Thanksgiving with an American family. The Benz family took us in this month and loved us like family. I loved getting to spend time with all the kids at the ministry and loving on them this month. But this month was also incredibly challenging for me. One thing I love about God is that even in the moments that challenge me the most, He is so faithful. When I did not know if I would meet my financial deadline to stay on the race, God was faithful to provide the funds. When I faced the ugly insecurities and lies in my life that surfaced this month, God was faithful to speak truth to me. When I felt more alone than I have felt in a long time, He was right there with me. I learned this month that growth is a long and sometimes painful process, but I have complete confidence that the results will be worth the journey.
Cambodia is an incredible country filled with young people trying to rebuild their country on the  bones of a frightening past filled with violence. Please be praying for this country and ministries like BYKOTA House that are giving a new life to the many kids left abandoned.
Click the link to find out more about BYKOTA House!
God is using your and growing you in a mighty way, Amanda! You are a conduit of His light and He freely shines through you!! Press on, girl!