“You smell good. You are tall. That’s a pretty name.”
Words spoken by a special young man during a ministry event. It was authentic and from his heart.
As believers we need to beware of giving and receiving empty flattery. Insincere comments meant only to gain favor and approval.
Flatterers and smooth talkers dazzle with flowery verbiage. Our speech should be sincere, wrapped with grace.
Recently, I spoke at a women’s event. When the message concluded, I mingled and chatted with ladies.
I noticed a young man in his mid-twenties blowing out the autumn candles that decorated each table. Smiling, he approached me and the pastor’s wife. He had an endearing charm and a fun persona.
Jason has a unique view of the world. I found out days later, he has overcome tremendous disadvantages and obstacles in life. A childhood full of abuse and heartbreaking circumstances.
He loves to tell his story and the good life he has now. God used this man to teach me a few lessons.
That is so like God. To use those dear to His heart to show the way.
Do you smell good?
Jason followed me around the room and listened intently as I had conversations about God. He politely waited for a break to interject, “you smell good.”
Due to allergy-like symptoms, I do not wear perfume. Smelling good for me could only be attributed to hair spray or lotion (and maybe food residue on my clothes). Here’s the thing, we can carry a sweet smelling fragrance of God.
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him.” (2 Corinthians 2:14, AMP)
Do you stand tall?
I made my way over to a table containing my business cards and email sign-up sheets. It was there Jason paid me another sincere compliment—“you are tall.” At five feet eight inches, I am fairly tall.
My son is six feet four inches in height. We are not sure where he inherited this trait.
Whatever your physical stature, you can stand tall spiritually. In chapter 2, the gospel of Luke describes the birth of Jesus through childhood.
“And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52, NASB)
Christ-followers never cease to grow in God. Notice the order of favor is first with the Lord, then with men. We inherit the standing tall trait in Christ from our heavenly Father.
Are you known by name?
It was time for me to head home. I said my good-byes and Jason heard someone say my name. “Your name is Karen? That’s a pretty name.”
God knows my name. He knows your name. He knows Jason. He is familiar with everything about us. How we smell. How tall we are.
The Lord calls us by name. A calling to minister to others in truth and sincerity as we proclaim His name.
The Lord speaks to us through the Jason’s of the world. Truths that are simple, yet profound.
Smell good, stand tall, and be known by name. In Jesus name.
(Images courtesy of pixabay.com and canvas.com.)
Thanks, Karen. It’s always good to be reminded of who we are in Christ, and how our actions reflect our walk with Him. It’s also important to remember that we are loved by Jesus more than we can imagine.
Bruce, thanks for your comment. Yes, I like how God gives us those reminders when we are willing to listen. And I’m writing about His love for my blog post tomorrow. It’s hard to grasp really how much He loves us. Unfathomable. Hope you are well.