Although Deborah held several roles atypical for a woman in Israel’s patriarchal society, she did not back down from her responsibilities. God called her. She obeyed. Her straightforward response served her and others well throughout her life and offer leadership lessons for believers today.
Deborah’s Call
Deborah, whose story begins in Judges 4, was the fifth judge of Israel. She was also a wife, prophet, counselor, poet, and singer. After more than 20 years of hardship under Jabin, king of Canaan, Israel cried out to God. During Jabin’s reign of terror, vineyards were destroyed, women dishonored, and children killed. God chose Deborah to lead Israel at this difficult time. Deborah urged her people to stand against their oppressors and to return to worship of the one true God.
During the 300 years of judges, the Israelites went through cycles of idolatry and disobedience to God, followed by God’s punishment through defeat from their enemies, then repentance and restoration. In those days, judges led in spiritual and political matters along with their judicial responsibilities. Most also led the nation’s military, but Deborah assigned Barak, who had a military background, to that position.
Barak’s Fear
When Deborah relayed God’s message to take 10,000 troops to face Canaan’s army, who could blame Barak’s reluctance? The order sounded humanly impossible. Sisera, Jabin’s army commander, led around 100,000 troops with 900 iron chariots. Defeat seemed certain.
Nevertheless, Barak was willing to go, if Deborah went with him. He refused to go to battle without her. His apparent respect for her relationship with God and her abilities as a leader trumped his ego as the nation’s military commander.
Leadership Shared
Deborah agreed to Barak’s request. However, she clarified the outcome of his hesitancy to follow God’s command. The honor for Sisera’s defeat would go to a woman rather than Barak.
Leadership Lessons Learned
The unusual interaction and mutual support of Deborah and Barak teach at least seven leadership lessons.
- Never underestimate the power and promises of God. Canaan boasted a greater military presence. However, Israel stepped forth in the power of the one true God.
- Recognize God’s ability to work in unusual circumstances. Deborah rose to leadership in a patriarchal society and gained the trust and honor of those under her leadership. The strength of her character and God’s presence in her life outweighed the usual concerns of a male dominated society.
- Follow God’s directions whether we understand them or not. Deborah did not know how God would defeat Sisera, but she knew He would do it in His time and in His way. Barak requested support but followed God’s direction as well.
- Support one another’s strengths and supplement one another’s needs. Rather than assuming the military leadership typical of other judges, Deborah recognized and utilized Barak’s established military expertise. When Barak feared the potential outcome of a battle against Canaan, he relied on the leadership, wisdom, and God-directed life of Deborah.
- Confront when necessary. Deborah did as Barak requested but let him know what that would mean to his reputation. Whether issues are significant or small, dealing with them swiftly and directly prevents greater problems later.
- Show respect at all times. When we must disagree or deal with difficult circumstances, we can do so without destroying one another’s character. Although Deborah told Barak what to expect, she never tried to usurp his military position, and they continued to work together.
- Accept the consequences of the choices made. Deborah made God’s expectations of Barak and the results of Barak’s request clear. Barak chose which path to follow, and he lived with the outcome of his choice.
Our Turn
God’s peace, under Deborah’s leadership, continued 40 years. God gave her the gifts she needed for the tasks He assigned her. He did the same for Barak. Together the leaders stepped forward when God called, defeated their enemy, and led their people back to God. Deborah received her confidence and boldness from God. She shared those gifts with Barak.
God’s provision and expectations remain the same today. When life looks bleak, God offers hope. When we suffer from poor choices and fail in our witness to the people around us, God beckons us to return. If we repent, He restores us and our influence.
God equips us for every task and expects us to support one another. He reminds us of His promises and provides the courage we need. With His guidance, we boldly step forward, together, to direct others to the one whose leadership never fails.