Seeking Truth in the Mystery of Next Tomorrow

While walking with my girlie dogs this morning, my thoughts settled on another peculiar topic.

Seeking Truth in the Mystery of Next Tomorrow

What can I say? Sometimes there’s nothing one can do but sleuth around until she (or he) finds the answer. . .

Now imagine, if only for a minute, that I can see several sets of eyes rolling and brows raising at the thought of reading yet another mystery of life story by. . . Hey? What’s her name again?

Would your polite demeanor lead you to read on? Or would you tap the delete button and move on to another more logical piece written by a not-so-out-there-in-the-clouds enigma like moi? BTW, that’s me in French.

Don’t know what an enigma is? Here’s the definition: e-nig-ma (noun) a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.

*Google’s English dictionary is provided by Oxford Languages.

Uncovering mysteries and a graceful perspective

So . . . have you EVER really wondered about it? You might try donning a child-like thinking cap for the next few minutes if you haven’t. I promise it won’t hurt—and I guarantee it might help clear your mind of recent news headlines. Who knows? A new perspective regarding truth or life’s puzzles, paradoxes, and unknowns might open our eyes a little wider. We may find the strength to leap out of our complacent boats and into deeper waters where a sea of wisdom is waiting to be found by seeking truth in the mystery of next tomorrow. It might even help us face life’s challenges with grace.

Leap out of the boat and into deeper waters where wisdom lives.

Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever. 

Psalm 86:11-12 ESV

In search of truth . . . and springtime

I remember when I was a child, two cousins, my sister, and I huddled together near the large frosty-edged window in my bedroom; four sets of little girlie eyes peeled to small front yards on our street, looking for the first signs of spring. We talked about what we wanted to do and be, not only tomorrow but next tomorrow. And yes, my older sister assured us while we played school, ‘“Everyone knows that means the day after tomorrow. I’m the teacher, and I’m tellin’ you it’s true.”’

The rest of us sat with our hands folded on our laps, staring at her in silence. Huh?

Looking for the first signs of spring

Seeking new seasons with hope

We could hardly wait to go to the Catskill Mountains to see new life burst forth in rolling meadows where daffodils bloomed, and petite crocuses broke through last week’s leftover snow and ice. Somehow this ritual gave us hope that spring and summer would soon be on its way. Our young imaginations believed endless summer could quite possibly arrive in a blink of an eye, just like you-know-who.

Living fully today, while praying for next tomorrow’s challenges

Our lives were full. Bicycles lured us to ride further. Games dared us to play smarter. Mountains beckoned us to explore. Some people, like my mom, said we hadn’t a care in the world—Dad only smiled, knowing he did his job well. I bet that grin meant he rested easy, knowing their children and extended family lived deliberately. We looked forward to living life to the fullest every day. Hopeful. Without giving much thought to any unwelcome challenges tomorrow—or next tomorrow might hold. No. Ignorance wasn’t the issue. Faith was.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Romans:15:13 ESV

Finding wisdom and God’s truth with grace

Today, I pray for God’s grace so I can continue my search for truth and meaning in the mysteries of life. I’m prompted to remember and share the gift of every blessed day I’ve lived—and to point to the unseen heavenly Father who is with us always. Although joy and peace are sometimes buried under mounds of trials and tribulations, I believe if we keep searching for God’s wisdom, we will find Him. Even in our darkest times. Even when our bicycle tires are flat and we’re unsure of the valleys ahead. If we dig into His word, we can uncover deeper truths along the way. God’s truth.

Uncover deeper truths on the journey…

Our words and actions may (or may not) give sons and daughters and grandchildren some sort of peace and a deeper appreciation for the unseen joys and challenges that await them in all their next tomorrows. I’ve put my trust in God’s promises. Climbed a few steep mountains. Cooked a few semi-awesome mom-mimic meals. Told my stories. All, in hope my prayers have touched on this obscure truth worth sharing. . . so they might face every upcoming season’s challenge with a splash of wisdom and a dash of grace. I say that because my French/Italian mother was a great homemaker and cook.

Even if your bicycle tires go flat, keep riding onward in search of flowers, hidden truths in yesterday’s stories, and the mysteries of next tomorrow.

Beautiful mysteries in the meaning

Few people understand why (or how much) I love the quiet, bare shades of winter. It’s a period of solitude my heart craves. Winter reminds me of all the valleys God brought me and my family through. Maybe that’s why I chatter on when springtime comes and I’m finally with peers, friends, or extended family. Although every season arrives with its own mysterious beauty, winter 2023 was crazy cold. Plus, -10 in western NC Dec 23, 2022. That’s too cold . . . even for me!

Experience the crazy

We also experienced a few ridiculous, unseasonably warm (sweaty) days sandwiched between these record-breaking low temps. I’m sayin’ pipe-breaking, flooding my cozy, magical reading room on Christmas Day, holiday party-wreaking temps for us. And to top the ugliest part of my favorite season off—it rained (almost) every day! I love the rain, but, I’m sayin’ wake up every morning to dreary . . . times two. There were countless days I didn’t walk the mountain and I had to force myself to search for beauty in all the ugly.


I’ve experienced God’s kindness throughout my life. So, I knew it existed. However, recently, details of my grayest days invaded my dreams with what-ifs, unwelcome scenes of crisis’ from days gone by, and fears of future storms that might come for my family, friends . . . or me. You know what I’m saying. Those moments when you’re paralyzed and can hardly find words to pray? When the only thing left to do is trust and believe?

My counselor, the Holy Spirit whispers, “Let go of worry and fear and be. Just be.”

Thoughts of springtime and gardening have interfered with my usual savoring those last mysterious days of winter. I’ve moved on with my rake in hand. The anticipation of seeing new life spring forth has won me over once again and my smile widens as tulips, roses, and peonies poke through frozen dirt and mulch. 

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom

Psalm 90:12 ESV
The final magical moments of winter = anticipating spring.

Open our eyes, Lord . . .

Change our hearts and minds. Help us see the gift of every tear. Every breath. Every day.

Dear friends, have you ever wondered about the meaning of honestly seeking truth in the mystery of next tomorrow? Are you hopeful for good things to come? Your thoughts matter to me. I’d love to hear from you in the Inspire A Fire comments section below.

Read my IAF articles or click specific highlighted links throughout this post, and visit the Dreamdove’s Flights of Fancy blog and DoveStories website. I’ll see you on FB, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest too!

Special thanks to Pixabay (and all image artists) for free images: Feature image by pladicon2012acacias from Pixabay, # 1 Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay, #2 image by 89275 Iwona Olczyk from Pixabay, #3 image by Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay.

Joann Claypoole

Joann Claypoole is an author, speaker, and former spa-girl entrepreneur. She's a wife, mother of four sons, “Numi” to four grandchildren, doggie-mom of two. The award-winning author of The Gardener’s Helper’s (ages 5-9 MJ Publishing2015) would rather be writing, hiking in the mountains, or inviting deer and other wildlife to stay for dinner near her western NC writing retreat. Visit her website: and WordPress blog:

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  1. God is so good. We have so much to be thankful for. Even the mysteries of life we don’t quite understand . . . Yet. I’m glad to see you here enjoying these IAF articles! :))))))

  2. We have to remain hopeful! That’s what gets me through the dreary days, weather-related and the droopy days when I get nothing accomplished. 🙂

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