Resolution: Trust

Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act (Psalm 37:5 ESV).

God maintains our cause around the clock.

Because God is both omniscient and omnipresent, we can never stray outside His thoughts. He does not need to be reminded, prompted, nudged, or nagged. He wants to hear from us in prayer, but not so that He can be “brought up to speed” or told again what needs to be done on our behalf.

He hasn’t forgotten. He is more aware than we are.

If we could see from God’s view and through His eyes, we would not fear tomorrow. We would know with certainty that the sovereign God of Heaven rules perfectly every day and in every decision, even when we are in the depths.

If we had God’s knowledge and God’s power and God’s love, we would choose for us what He has chosen for us every single time.

But since we cannot experience that perspective, we must trust the One who can.

So that tonight, when we lay our head on our pillow, we can know He is still working on behalf of His own. And we can rest securely.


Photo by AmandaRaeK


Publicly, Trisha is a well-established editor for a mammoth corporation. Privately, however, she sorts and stacks, tosses and tallies, pitches and plunders. She devotes serious time and energy to a hobby that would make goddesses like Martha Stewart and Julie Morgenstern blush. She is a home manager. That, and she loves to write. She just published her first book--Trust, Hope, Pray.

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  1. Trust was something I struggled with for years. People disappoint so it’s easy to question. However, after going through a very rough season of trials and challenges I know that He is trustworthy.

    I love what you wrote:

    “If we could see from God’s view and through His eyes, we would not fear tomorrow.”

    Happy New Year!


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