
It’s an odd title for a Christian blog, isn’t it? But I have it on good faith, and the Bible, that God is pro-choice. I know, it shocked me, too. But right there, from Genesis to Revelations, people have been free to choose. Nothing is ever forced on us.

Adam expressed his right to choose when Even handed him the forbidden fruit.

David expressed his right to choose when he took a married woman into his bed.

Judas expressed his right to choose when he sold out our Lord for thirty pieces of silver.

And Satan freely chose to defy God’s authority, as did one third of the angels of heaven.

We all have the right to choose. We may choose wisely. Or we may choose poorly. That’s freedom. The guiding principles that founded the Unites States of America is prevalent in scripture. God never sent anyone from His presence. Men and angels alike have chosen to forego His grace with no prodding from the throne.

Some would prefer that God grab the wandering son by the scruff of the neck and drag him back into the kingdom. Just as some would prefer that the drug-addict be given a large bank account and a new home. Sort of a “reset” button on life.

But that’s not freedom. And our God is a big fan of freedom.

I encourage you to live in that freedom. Know that you are no prisoner of God. You are free to come and go as you choose. But always be prepared to accept the consequences of your choice, because freedom and justice would have it no other way.

Have you ever regretted a bad decision? Pray to our loving God. He erases all regrets with His never ending love and grace.


I am a husband, dad, Christian, and writer. Not necessarily in that order. It took me thirty years to turn my life over to my Redeemer. It's taken another ten to figure out what it is He has in store for me. My first novel, Now I Knew You, will be released in March, 2015. I pray that God will allow me to write many more before calling me home.

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