The news sent shock waves, They’re splitting up.
A picture-perfect couple. Nobody—for one nanosecond—thought it would happen.
A romantic storybook flashed through my mind. A fairy-tale-slide-show portrayed on timelines, rolled through the news feed on social media.
Starry-eyed followers viewed a plethora of images labeled “in a relationship with” and “date night.” To keep the pot boiling, engagement pictures topped any Hallmark movie we’d ever seen.
A Picture-perfect Union
Enduring wedding pictures captured marital bliss—the tagline for each anniversary to come. Would this honeymoon never be over? The attractive couple knew what they wanted. A match made in heaven.
Professional photographers presented the lovebirds in their finest moments. Photo edits and touch-ups assisted in flawless outsides and what onlookers imagined as flawless insides. The picture-perfect union of husband and wife. She’s stunning and he’s Prince-Charming-handsome.
Photo album memories continued. Snapshots of dazzling moments. A bouquet of flowers for his lovely bride—no special occasion. “Just because I adore you,” the note on public display. Women everywhere surmised, Guess he’s Prince Charming after all…must be nice for her.
Trips to Paris and tropical resorts. Images captured buff bodies. Young-in-age-and-heart sentiments spilled out on our devices. Appearance of a perfect life sent us to the envy store more times than we’d honestly admit.
Do Picture-perfect Couples Exist? 
Reality has a way of shaking us out of a deep slumber of fairy-dust dreams. Picture-perfect couples only exist in photos. Not in real life. Not in our world of imperfect people like me and like you.
Picture-perfect couples solely take place on our screens. Behind closed doors there’s often a different story.
Nevertheless, social media causes jealousy to spring from our heart when we compare picture-perfect couples with our own relationships…and lives. Photographs with smiles and edits and filters seem pristine.
But, the Lord alone filters hearts.
Our spiritual birth and growth in Christ, along with His matchless love, brings our heart closer to the ultimate love affair. It’s with Jesus. A love that spills over into our earthly love relationships.
A Testimony of Imperfect Love
My husband’s a pastor. We’ve given spiritual and marital advice to many couples. Yet, we’ve had our own share of happy times and struggles.
Bright days where love bloomed and grace flourished.
Dark days where gloom and doom lived.
Full-time ministry doesn’t stamp a label across our foreheads, “Marriage made in heaven.” The enemy seeks to destroy marriages, working overtime on those in church leadership and ministry.
Following Christ automatically enlists believers in spiritual warfare. Ministry is the bloodiest battleground.

Recently, Mike and I celebrated thirty-one years in ministry and marriage. I’ve included our picture from that day and the words I shared on social media:
One is the loneliest number…that’s why God gave me you. Thanks for being my guy, my man, my love, and my friend. I’m honored to be the wife of a man who’s not perfect (that’s only for Jesus), but who is godly and perfect for me. And dashingly handsome to say the least.
Matches Made in Heaven
If you’re married, pray for your spouse and marriage. God loves us with an everlasting love. A love that provides us the grace, mercy, and strength to strive toward imitating Christ in our marriage—even if they’re second chances.
We can’t always hit the “like” button in marriage. But in Christ, we can choose the “love” button.
“Steadfast love and truth and faithfulness meet together; Righteousness and peace kiss each other” Psalm 85:10 AMP.
Love is strengthened with truth and faithfulness. They meet together. Daily chats and holding hands mark their fellowship. Righteousness and peace affectionately adore one another.
They’re matches made in heaven.
For more about marriage, read my blog article, 5 Ways to Never Give Up on Marriage.
*The featured image, photo of couple sitting at water’s edge, and cell phone picture are courtesy of
Happy anniversary, Karen and Mike! You two are adorable.
Thank you, Sandy. We can’t always hit the “like” button in marriage. But in Christ we can choose the “love” button. Blessings, friend!
You put your heart, thoughts, imagination and creativity in this post, Karen. You go girl! “A writing ovation.”
Thanks so much, Shira. Wow, you’re a great encourager. Thankful God loves us with an everlasting love. Blessings!
Happy Anniversary, Karen! It was nice meeting your husband at Blue Ridge and it was especially nice meeting you. 🙂 I appreciate this post and the truth represented in it. In our culture, we desperately need wisdom regardless of the years we’ve been married.
Cathy, thanks sweet lady. It was wonderful to meet you. Yes, we all need wisdom. You and I both know the best sound advice comes from the Father in His Word. Christ is our ultimate love affair. Oh, may we fall in love with Him more everyday! Blessings!
Happy anniversay!! And I love to read your articles!!!
Thanks, Tammy. Love is strengthened with truth and faithfulness. They meet together. Daily chats and holding hands mark their fellowship. Righteousness and peace affectionately adore one another. God’s love will stand the true test of time. Blessings sweet lady!
I started a comment that became a blog post. I’m on the other side of this topic, but I love you dearly. 🙂
Actually, it’s an old blog post. No need to write what’s already there. 🙂
That’s great, Lisa. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Love you, Lisa. Possibly your side is that matches are made in heaven? I have read your love-story and it is wonderful! A true divine appointment I’m sure. Yet, in the real world, many couples have real-struggles, even faith couples. So, we strive to imitate Christ in us, the only hope of glory. After all, we can’t always hit that “like” button in marriage or any relationship. We choose love. Blessings friend and thanks for commenting.
Real truth, beautifully written. We’ve been married 47 years and I wouldn’t trade my Gary for anyone. But that doesn’t mean that we have a perfect marriage or that either of us is perfect.
But I love your sentiment “He’s perfect for me.” That’s exactly how I feel! Thanks for writing from your heart, Karen!
Thank you, Vonda. Congrats on your enduring marriage journey. I’m sure you’re perfect for Gary as well! God’s love is one that provides us the grace, mercy, and strength to strive toward imitating Christ in our marriage. Loved meeting you at BRMCWC. Blessings!
Beautiful post, Karen, written with truth woven throughout. Loved meeting you and Mike at BRMCWC! Happy Anniversary!!!
Oh, Dee Dee, my sweet soul of a friend. Thank you. Grateful our love relationship with Christ spills over into our earthly relationships. May we look to Him to love others well. Blessings! 🙂
Such truth, Karen! Being in ministry especially puts the enemy on the prowl in our marriages. Thankfully, the perfect love of Jesus has continued to hold together my 30 year marriage during many difficult and trying times! Never picture perfect, but my hubby is perfect for me! And I am ever grateful that we don’t have to wear the “perfection” mask…that would be so exhausting! Haha! Love you, friend!
Amen, Sonia! Those masks are exhausting charades. Thank you for commenting and I joyfully celebrate your 30 year marriage. I like to think about it this way, Staying through the uphill climbs so the walks down the other side are sweeter than before. Blessings, my friend!