Will God find you if you’re not looking to be found? Some folks have no use for God. They perceive no need of Him, or they hold the world’s troubles as proof of faith’s futility. When Paul was imprisoned at Philippi, for preaching about this God that the world considers a contrivance, he was stripped in public, beaten with wooden rods, and shackled by his feet in the deepest part of a dungeon. As it was midnight, the jailer, feeling secure in his circumstance, went to bed. Paul and his companions went to singing psalms and hymns to the Lord. Acts 16:20-40
An earthquake shook the prison to its foundation, opening all the prison doors and loosing the prisoner’s chains. The jailer, shaken awake, drew his sword to kill himself rather than face the consequence of allowing the prisoners to escape. Paul stopped him, calling for a lamp to assure the jailer no one had run away. The jailer, fell to his knees before Paul and asked what he needed to do to be saved. Paul spoke the word of the Lord to the jailer, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
God found the jailer, and his family. The earthquake shook their foundations of unbelief and left the option for repentance and praise. Peek-a-boo. He sees you. In all of our families there are folks who  have foundations of unbelief. We pray for their salvation, their earthquake, but in that prayer do we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to save them, or are we crossing our fingers ? Our estimation on the difficulty of reaching a stubborn soul has no bearing on God’s desire, ability, or plan. Our part is to sing in the night, in the wounded chains of love that we bear for our world weary children, asleep in their beds.