For both of my loyal readers who noticed I missed a few posts recently, I have a valid excuse. My company sent me off to Germany for six weeks of training at our headquarters in
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What I Love About Teens

“Awww. Mom. Look how cute. Can we keep him?” I glanced over to the sidewalk. He wandered, as if he had no place to go, but kept walking anyway. He slowly approached the crosswalk, just
Read moreCan Preachers Have Sex on Sundays?

Can Preachers Have Sex on Sundays? Well, can they? Or is it some kind of unmentionable sin to share intimacy with your spouse on God’s designated Sabbath? As an assistant minister of my congregation, I
Read moreIn the Spirit of Adoption

When my husband and I chose to get married, we also chose each other’s children. by Tina Ann Forkner Thirteen years ago I became a mother. When my daughter arrived, I told everyone that
Read moreThe Jessica Years – Year 1, Month 8

God’s math is illogical. I don’t quite know what to make of it. The way I pictured it was something like this: If God entrusts me with one dollar and I use it wisely, He’ll
Read moreThe Cover Up

“Take a guard,” Pilate answered. “Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.” So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard. Matthew 27:65-66
Having released a murderer and the son of a rabbi, they killed the Son of God.
Now the task falls to us, the Roman guard, to secure the tomb. The Jews who opposed him fear the dead man’s disciples might sneak into the tomb and steal his body. Let them try. I have my orders. I know my duty.
Read moreThree Scripted Words That Changed Eternity

I’ve always loved drama. From the time I was a little girl, sitting in front of a black and white TV, I knew that movies and scripts could reach down inside and grab a part of the soul that few things could ever touch. By the time I was a teenager, I knew the power of the stage, the power of scripted words. And nothing proved it better than Frank Zeffirelli’s movie, Romeo and Juliet. The story. The costumes. The music. The words. I was captivated! I must have watched it a hundred times, and yet each time, it was as if I were seeing it afresh, anew.
Read moreLoving your Neigbours and Retaining Your Sanity: What Would Jesus Do?

View from back porch of our house in Laos So I have a What Would Jesus Do problem. I don’t usually use the WWJD phrase, even in my own private thought life much less out
Read moreDaughters…one day you’ll fill their shoes

If you’re the mother of a teenager daughter (or daughters–mercy), and you’re wondering why God hasn’t extended you the offer of a sacrificial altar, sit on your hands until the darlings reach their 20s. The
Read moreThe Hunger Games Movie—a Christian Mother’s Review

I read the NYT best-selling trilogy, The Hunger Games, with my teenage son. As far as stories go, it was, page one to the last, full of action, love, and moral questioning. It gave my
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