Pick Up Lines

Faith involves muscle. Moving mountains isn’t finger crossing. Our walk requires the next step and the step after that. Something about an extra mile… Pick up the phone and call, or text, the wild child

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The Grace Effect

The Grace Effect by Larry Taunton, is a contemporary account of one family’s journey to adopt a little girl from a Ukranian orphanage. Taunton uses his tale to portray the effects of the near eradication

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Mentoring: It’s a Beautiful Thing

Stephanie says, “As the sun began to sneak a peek through the horizontal lines of my mini blinds, I was reminded that another hectic day awaited me. It wasn’t easy being an early bird and a night owl in the same skin, but as a single mom who was struggling to be all and do all, I didn’t have many other options. Each day held its own basket full of burdens for a girl who wore too many hats and didn’t realize the significance of her role as a mother. I was a single mom without Christ, without a clue, and without a mentor.”

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