The menu is not the meal. The recipe is not the meal. Reading our Bible is not the same as sharing the Gospel. When the Word says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” it is not to satisfy our hunger alone, but to enhance the flavor of our salvation message. The Lord calls the world to come to the banquet but invariably the world looks to his church before answering the R.S.V.P.
They’re checking us for table manners (do not take the high seat) they’re checking us for generosity (five loaves), for sincerity, (wine at Cana) and quality of the food (bread of life).
My paranoia used to be if I used every lunch room chat as an opportunity to witness, I would drive people away from Jesus rather than draw them in. In reality my fear of offending people inhibited me from sharing the Good News at the workplace, or any place for that matter.
Oddly enough, or could I say Godly enough, tasting that the Lord was good in my life led me to write God praising poetry. At first I must’ve been like David in the field sharing psalms with the sheep, but eventually I copied some out and shared them with people who knew my ‘regular’ poetry. As I wrote more ‘conscious of grace’ poetry it led to performances, studio recordings, even a manuscript.
Seeking help with the manuscript led me to become a blogger for InspireAFire, and getting my name in print led me to sharing the Good News with people at work. Grace has a way of working through our lives into the lives of others. Â Maybe spouting couplets in iambic pentameter is not a common denominator, but an invitation to eat together, as long as it is served with grace, could easily lead to heavenly desserts.
We have a coupon for a very happy meal, but the fine print says,” Where two or more are gathered together in My name I Am there also.” Can you think of a name to pencil in as a guest to the Book of Life?