Let me not react, but act instead.
Let me realize that feelings are fleeting and fickle, and emotions too often manipulated by people, places, and things.
Let me be grateful this morning for another day with those I love and those I’m learning to love.
Let me remember each breath that’s great-full of gratitude can be diminished by each sigh of self-pity.
Let me not squander minutes worrying about that over which I have no control.
Let me smile at those at whom I’d rather frown.
Let me be generous with those I struggle to accept.
Let me remember that even if unlovable today, everyone I meet was once a child, loved by someone.
Let me release my grip on yesterday to focus on today.
Let me not forget to tell my husband, my children, my grandchildren “I love you.”
Let me remember that money and popularity can’t resurrect the people I love.
Let me use today, not as a rock I hurl into a void, but as a stepping stone into the future.
Let me remember to pray because it’s the act of obedience in the midst of chaos that can place me in the arms of my loving God.
 by Christa Allan
Photo Credit: www.christianphotos.net