Moms Gone Wild

Supported Mothers

Did you know elephants give birth to the largest babies on earth? Each baby weighs around 200 to 250 pounds, and a mama carries her baby for twenty-two months! And all the moms everywhere groan sympathetically at the thought.

After the baby elephant is born, the ladies of the herd rally around the mother, creating a built-in babysitting service. Called “Allomothers,” these partners in motherhood assist in every aspect of the mothering process, creating a tight-knit support group that makes sure the baby and mother have everything they need to be successful.

Sounds like the body of Christ to me. Older moms walking beside younger moms, showing them the way, holding their hands, stabilizing their hearts.  A circle of sisters stepping up to the plate, understanding the need to raise a strong, healthy child in the ways of the Lord.

Makes me think about my “Allomothers.” So many ladies from all walks of life who stepped alongside me at different points, supporting and encouraging me in the pursuit of motherhood and godliness.

Sacrificial Mothers

While elephants are surrounded by a support system, polar bear moms do it alone. They dig an underground den and raise their babies in temperatures averaging -40 degrees. The polar bear mom fasts nearly eight months while hiding in the warmth of her den. During this fast, the mother nurses her new cub from the excess of food she was able to store in her body before hibernation. Talk about being selfless!

The Red-Knobbed Hornbill also sacrifices her own well-being for the sake of her children. Not only does she seal the doorway to the nest with feces, but she also remains on the nest for two months until her babies hatch, protecting them from predators and ignoring her own need for food.

And if that isn’t enough, the Giant Pacific Octopus lays around 200,000 eggs and will do anything within her power to protect them. These mothers are often known to starve nearly to death, eating their own arms as food to protect the lives of their unborn offspring.

These three animal mothers paint such a beautiful picture of a mom’s sacrificial love. Mothers are known to neglect their bodies to care for their young ones. They deny themselves so their children will have something better. And mothers are such fierce protectors of their children.

Only God can plan and produce a love like that. Only he can make parents selfless enough to lay it all on the altar so that their children will have all they need.

Sounds a lot like what Christ did for us, doesn’t it? Sacrificing his life so that we might live.

Life-Giving, Protective Mothers

The orangutan mother has one baby every eight years. Once the baby is born, it remains physically attached to the mother for at least two years with contact never being broken during that time. Each night, the two snuggle together in a nest the mom makes. During the day, they spend countless hours focused on being together. Never breaking contact for two years is a huge commitment!

While the mother alligator isn’t physically connected to her baby like the orangutan, she creates a nest from vegetation in her mouth where she carries her baby everywhere. Hiding her baby inside her jaws secures the life of her new little one. She knows that nothing will get her baby without going through her first.

Good mothers love their children. Period. They hold them close both physically and emotionally, recognizing what a gift those babies truly are and treasuring every minute of every day. The picture of the orangutan, attached to his mother, makes total sense to a mother—our hearts are attached forever.

These mamas also understand the need to protect and keep the innocent ones safe. Like the alligator, good mamas will quickly chomp and destroy anything that could potentially harm her babies.

These fiercely loving and protecting moms remind me of God’s fierce love and protection for his own children. He loves us with an everlasting love and fights for us even when we have chosen to run in the opposite direction. We are chosen. We are loved. We are tucked into the shelter of his wing as we snuggle up close enough to hear the heart of the Master beating for us.

By God’s Design

Just as God uniquely crafts each animal mom to effectively raise their young in a nurturing, safe environment, God has done the same for us. He provides those support people. He removes our desire for selfishness and places a sacrificial love and protectiveness deep within.

Mamas look a lot like Jesus, don’t they? At least, the good ones do.

Thank you, Jesus, for all the good mamas out there. And thank you, Jesus, for setting the example for us all.


(all animal facts from The Most Amazing Moms in the Animal Kingdom)

All photos from Canva

© Christy Bass Adams, May 2022

Christy Bass Adams

Christy Bass Adams, is the Outreach and Connections Coordinator at Fellowship Baptist Church in Madison, Florida. She is also a writer and had her first devotional book published in summer of 2022 (Big Lessons from Little People) followed by a middle grades novel (Imagination Checkers) in the fall. Her most important role, however, is with her family as a wife of 18 years and mother to two busy boys. She worked in education for over 18 years at both the elementary and collegiate levels. Her favorite pastimes are fishing and sitting around a fire. For more from Christy, visit her blog at

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