“Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27. What better point of reference is there to start a new year? Unfortunately most of us approach this hope as if we were funneling molasses in January. This is as good a time as any to turn that funnel vision around and blow a fresh wind through it like a trumpet!
My music instructor says one ought to learn to sing a tune before attempting to play it on an instrument to set it properly in the mind’s ear. That’s similar to how hope and faith work together. We ought to speak aloud our hope to set it right in our faith. Dare to declare what ‘plans for the good’ Our Father has for us this year.
Our oh-so-modern culture has reduced philosophy to what can fit on a bumper sticker. “Life happens” is the cleaner version of a mentality that suggests rolling with the punches is our best alternative. Perhaps an entrepreneurial believer could launch a “Christ Happens” series to help us raise our sights and expectations.
God encounters are not rare. What is scarce is folks willing to jump in the air waving their arms shouting, “Over here Lord! Over here!” as He comes looking for the lost. Meanwhile a change is going to come. “For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:52
As we wait for that distinct, clear, and heavenly note it wouldn’t hurt any of us to blow the dust, and doubt, out of our ears and get in tune with The Maestro of the Universe.