Welcome, my friend in Christ! I’m so thrilled that you’re reading this. Chances are that you have a son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, nephew or niece who has left the church physically or emotionally. Or maybe they’ve never attended church. Maybe you’re a Millennial who isn’t interested in church for a variety of reasons.
Millennials (ages 18 to 32) see the church as heavy on tradition, but light on conviction. Packed with people, but empty of relationships. Overflowing with smiles, but dry in authenticity. So they leave in search of something that looks more real, loving, and passionate—like Jesus.
This is why I’m creating a DVD Series about “Following Jesus Without Leaving the Church.” I want to help Millennials see that they can make an amazing impact for Jesus by staying in the Body. God has already provided a skilled videographer and professional equipment. The only thing missing? Money. So I started a Kickstarter Campaign, and now I’m praying hard that God would use this DVD Series to fill the gaping hole in the lives of my generation.
What are Some of the DVD’s Core Concepts?
• Core Concept 1: Jesus loves His Bride and will never give up on her—neither should we. The Millennial Generation believes that Jesus would burst through the doors and turn over tables in most churches. This DVD Series helps them see that for every church in which Jesus would turn tables, there are one hundred more in which He would enter and say, “He who has ears, let him hear.”
• Core Concept 2: We must think of church as a place to help others reject status quo Christianity and embrace the Way of Jesus. The Millennial Generation believes that people in the church are stuck in mediocrity. This DVD Series helps them see that God wants Millennials to be a light not only to the lost, but also to their brothers and sisters in church who are living lukewarm lifestyles.
• Core Concept 3: We must take purposeful action within our churches. The Millennial Generation believes that leaving the church is the best thing they can do. This DVD Series introduces a new thought: that being passionate for Christ, hungry for God’s Word, humble in all things, and fearless in spurring on the Body of Christ to love, unity, good works, and action, is the best thing they can do.
How You Can Help Create this DVD Series
If this Kickstarter Campaign reaches the minimum in pledges, then the DVDs will be produced and made available free-of-charge digitally to thousands of Millennials. If it doesn’t reach the minimum, none of the backers will be charged and the DVDs are not created. It’s all or nothing. Below are three vital things you can do to make this project a success:
• ONE—Please PRAY that God would “do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!” (Eph 3:20-21). “For nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).
• TWO—Please send a personal email about this DVD Series to a friend or family member, or write a personal message about it on Facebook, Twitter, or your blog. Also, sharing project’s video is vitally important, as it encapsulates the mission God has put on my heart and tells the sad-but-hopeful story of the Millennial Generation (Share buttons are located directly beneath the video on the Kickstarter Campaign page).
• THREE—Go to the Kickstarter Campaign page and become a “Backer” at the highest possible level ($25, $50, $75 $100, $150, $200, $250, $350, $500) by choosing one of the cool rewards. If you do not want a reward, that option is available as well. But I REALLY want to bless you with a reward!
Please email me (calebbreakey@gmail.com) or call me (email me for my number) if you have any questions or concerns about this project. I’m here to listen, talk, pray, discuss, or all of the above. Thank you so much for reading and for considering a pledge. God bless you, my dear family in Christ!
To find out more about me, check out my bio on the Kickstarter Campaign page.