In honor of Mother’s Day, I’m thrilled to introduce you to a brand new ministry for moms, The M.O.M. Initiative, founded by author and speaker, Stephanie Shott. I hope you’ll join the revolution!
Mentoring: It’s a Beautiful Thing
By Stephanie Shott
As the sun began to sneak a peek through the horizontal lines of my mini blinds, I was reminded that another hectic day awaited me. It wasn’t easy being an early bird and a night owl in the same skin, but as a single mom who was struggling to be all and do all, I didn’t have many other options.
Each day held its own basket full of burdens for a girl who wore too many hats and didn’t realize the significance of her role as a mother. I was a single mom without Christ, without a clue, and without a mentor.
As the years passed, I married, and not long after that I became a Christian. Everything changed except for the fact that I still didn’t have a mentor and I barely had a clue.
That was twenty-five years ago and as I reflect back on the seasons of my life, I can’t help but wonder where all the mentors were when I was raising my children. I remember looking up to several women in the church but was somehow unable to wiggle my way under their wing.
Occasionally, I noticed older women walking through a season of life with a younger woman and couldn’t help but think, “What a beautiful thing!”
Perhaps I wasn’t trying hard enough. Maybe they just didn’t notice my need – but I was definitely in need of their words of wisdom as I walked through those important days of motherhood.
But times have changed and while many women still struggle with the whole mentoring thing, there seems to be a resurgence of women who understand the Titus 2 mandate is not only a calling to fulfill but it’s packed with the purpose of leaving a legacy of faith.
The tide is turning and Titus 2 seems to be gaining ground in the hearts of women on both sides of the mentor equation. Women are not only noticing their own need for a mentor but those who are older are rising up to make a mark on the next generation.
- It’s a beautiful thing to see women mentor other women through various seasons of life.
- It’s a beautiful thing to hear how one woman has helped a young college student successfully sort through the decisions that lie before her.
- It’s a beautiful thing to see a woman be a shoulder to cry on and a heart to listen while a younger woman walks through a painful place in her life.
- It’s a beautiful thing to hear how a single mom who was struggling to be all and do all found a friend who was older and a bit wiser and who was willing to step in and help her through those trying times.
- It’s a beautiful thing to see a sea of women who understand that mentors matter and are now ready and willing to take on that very important role.
When I started The M.O.M. Initiative, I wasn’t sure how women were going to respond. My experience in the 80’s left me wondering if our culture has somehow become so isolated that women wouldn’t even consider mentoring. But what I have found is the opposite is true.
Women are not only longing to be mentored but mentors are longing to step into their God-given, Titus 2 roles and make a difference for such a time as this. Seeing women mentoring others to leave a legacy of faith and change the world one life at a time…well, that truly is a beautiful thing!
The M.O.M. Initiative is an acrostic for Mothers On a Mission to Mentor Other Mothers and we believe that if the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, then the church that mentors those hands will win it.
We really want to start a revolution of mommas who are willing to take Titus 2 to the streets and make a difference not only within the church but beyond the four walls of the church.
Our ministry is new and in its fledgling stages. The book is being developed and the website is only three months new. Here’s a glance at what The M.O.M. Initiative is all about:
The M.O.M. Initiative is a ministry designed to bridge the gap between the need young mothers have for a mentor and the church’s need for resources to mentor young mothers.
The M.O.M. Initiative website exists to support moms on both side of the mentor equation and provides fresh ideas, practical help, encouragement and devotions almost every day. Their is a chat room available for those who want to make appointments with a M.O.M. Mentor and chat with them online and as churches implement this missional mentoring ministry, they will list their contact information online and give mentees an opportunity to connect with a mentor nearest them.
The M.O.M. Initiative book is being developed to become tools in the hands of mentors who are ready to take Titus 2 to the streets. Many moms have a strong desire to mentor other mothers but they long to have adequate resources and support to help foster those mentoring relationships.
We’d love for you to join us! Just pop over to our website and click on “Join the Revolution” to receive ministry updates and be among the first to be contacted when the book is made available.
Steph’s Bio:
Stephanie Shott is crazy in love with Jesus and wants the world to know how great He is. Her painful past has become a platform of praise as she travels to share hope for hurting hearts, peace for weary souls and truth for all who will listen. She is the author of Understanding What Matters Most (a Bible study on Ecclesiastes) and founder of The M.O.M. Initiative (a missional mentoring ministry dedicated to taking Titus 2 to the streets).
Love the MOM Initiative and love Stephanie! What a blessing for those who step in to be mentored and to be mentors. I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum and am so grateful for those precious women!
Thanks for stopping by, Lisa. And I totally agree–I love Stephanie and her heart for others, too!
Thank you, Stephanie for sharing your vision with us.
Lisa, Thank you SO much for your encouraging words! You have no idea how much your life blesses mine!
I agree! Stephanie, Lynn, and all you other ladies ROCK! You’ve inspired me (actually, I like the word inspirated better- more, and I’m working on becoming a humorist speaker myself! 🙂
So thank you for helping me see that I can do more to influence the young moms (and those who aren’t moms yet!)
God Bless!
Beth, I love inspirated! Thank you SO much for being so encouraging, my friend!
This IS a beautiful thing. Thank you for sharing Stephanie’s incredible idea, Vonda. Blessings, Stephanie!!
Julie ~ Don’t you just love how the Lord’s perfect plan of mentoring can make such a difference in people’s lives! It really is a beautiful thing! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 🙂
Thanks for your encouraging words, Julie and Beth. I know they’ll be a blessing to Stephanie and her ministry!
The M.O.M. Initiative is a wonderful place for moms of all ages, whether being mentored or mentoring. Stephanie has such a precious heart of service and encouragement. (I’m honored to be a part of it.) Thank you for sharing your blog home with her.
Lynn ~ You are SUCH a blessing, sweet friend! I’m honored to serve our precious Savior with you and I’m SO thankful you’re a M.O.M.! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Lynn. It was a joy to have Stephanie here!
Vonda ~ Thank you SO much for inviting me to share about The M.O.M. Initiative on the wonderful site! You are such a blessing to so many and I’m very grateful for the way you live out loud for Jesus! That too, is a beautiful thing!