Man in the Middle

Timothy Goeglein will forever be remembered as the George W. Bush appointee who resigned in disgrace after he’d been caught plagiarizing the columns he wrote for his home town newspaper. As the Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison from 2001 to 2008, Tim Goeglein enjoyed a high position with direct access to the President and his staff. In February of 2008, after plagiarizing more than 20 opinion pieces, he gave it all away.

What he expected, and what the public was more than happy to hand to him, was abject humiliation. What he discovered, and what few know about, was forgiveness where he deserved none and a re-discovery of the man inside himself. We’ve all had our “woodshed moments,” when we reach the darkest moments of our lives and know that we alone are responsible for our actions. Those moments don’t define us. How we respond to them does.

A good writer knows when to shut up and let the story tell itself. So I’ll let Tim Goeglein tell it in his own words. Thanks to B&H Publishing for the video.

If the video doesn’t appear in your browser, click here to watch.

Tim Goeglein is now vice president of External Relations at Focus on the Family. His book, Man in the Middle, published by B&H Publishing, is available at Amazon and other booksellers.


I am a husband, dad, Christian, and writer. Not necessarily in that order. It took me thirty years to turn my life over to my Redeemer. It's taken another ten to figure out what it is He has in store for me. My first novel, Now I Knew You, will be released in March, 2015. I pray that God will allow me to write many more before calling me home.

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  1. I finally watched the video and hope everyone who reads this will take the time to do. Powerful look at grace and behind the scenes look at our former President’s faith. Thanks so much for sharing this.

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