Love That Will Not Let Us Go

There is a love that will not let us go.  A love that will never let go no matter what may come our way. It is God’s love.

God loves us with an everlasting love. Webster’s dictionary defines everlasting as lasting or enduring through all time. Because God is eternal with no beginning and no end, and because he is not bound by time, he has loved us since before time began and will continue to love us throughout eternity.

Through the ages God promised to be with his people, even when they chose to run away from him. Time and time again God waited patiently for his people to return to him.

God’s promise of an everlasting love remains as true for us today as it did when first promised.

When I was a child I wandered. I left the safety of my mother’s presence while we were in stores, and falsely believed I’d be fine on my own. Once the realization hit I was alone and didn’t see my mom, panic set in until we were reunited. I believe adults wander, too. Don’t you? We leave the safety of God’s presence, falsely believing we’ll be fine on our own. After we realize we aren’t fine, and look for God we find the promise of his love that will not let us go still stands.

Like children we might chafe against God’s restraints. We don’t fully understand God’s bonds of love enable us to live richer, fuller lives than we could ever live apart from him.

Instead of resisting God’s love, how about we embrace it with gusto? His love is from everlasting to everlasting after all.

And from far away the Lord appeared to his people and said, “I love you people with a love that will last forever. That is why I have continued showing you kindness.  Jeremiah 31:3(NCV)

I wish you well,


Sandy Kirby Quandt

Sandy Kirby Quandt is a follower of Jesus with a passion for history and travel. Passions that often weave their way into her stories and articles. She writes articles, devotions, and stories for adult and children publications. She is a regular contributor to Guideposts devotional books, as well as a conference speaker. Sandy has won multiple awards for her writing, including several years in the Young Adult category of the Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition. However, her greatest honor came when she received the Right Stuff Award at Space Camp for Educators. Looking for words of encouragement or gluten-free recipes? Then check out her blog at

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