A letter from Santa keeps the Christmas magic alive!
Scrolling through email, a subject line caught my attention. “Great Christmas Gift Idea: Letters from Santa.” It piqued my interest enough to take a further look.
Instead of our kiddos writing out a wish-list for Santa, then begging us to make sure it arrives at the North Pole before Christmas, Santa sends a personalized letter to our children.
The company’s website, complete with sample ideas and pictures, promises an authentic-looking letter from Santa. It arrives at our front door in an envelope stamped from the North Pole.
So, we send the company whatever information we choose, but they suggest: name, age, relatives, name of best friend, hometown and so on. And a parent can add special achievements, acts of kindness, or good behavior for Santa to mention. I guess a confirmation the child made Santa’s Nice List.
The site assures this gift will keep the magic alive for Christmas. Yet, this gift idea caused me to reflect. As God’s child, I hope to keep Christmas alive in another way.
Letter Stamped From Heavenly Places
[bctt tweet=”Trying to keep the magic alive for Christmas? The real Christmas story is more than magical, it’s supernatural. @FridayKaren #Christmas” username=”inspireafire”]
You see, the heavenly Father has already sent me an authentic and personalized letter directly from His heart to the door of my heart. And the Lord knows my name, age, relatives and all my behavior.
Still further, this letter carries the official seal, stamped from heavenly places, inspired by the divine. God’s letter gives directions for behavior, acts of kindness, and the most important achievements on the planet—those done in the name of Jesus Christ.
And the best part? The Bible’s words not only point to a Savior as the miraculous and magical part of the Christmas story, but this holy letter also describes God’s kindness and acts of love toward us.
A love so powerful, God gave us the greatest gift ever. We can’t purchase it online and emails won’t entice us to take a further look.
God gave us Christ, His Son.
God’s Christmas Gift
“And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7 ESV)
“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.’” (Luke 2:13-14 ESV)
“God has shown His love to us by sending His only Son into the world. God did this so we might have life through Christ. This is love! It is not that we loved God but that He loved us. For God sent His Son to pay for our sins with His own blood.” (1 John 4:9-10 NLV)
Checking the List Twice?
The special achievements of Jesus on the cross and an empty tomb purchased the privilege for us to make God’s list. No, not a naughty or nice list.
But upon accepting God’s letter as truth, believing in His Son as Messiah through the forgiveness of sins, our names are placed in the Lamb’s book of life.
[bctt tweet=”Santa checks his list twice. But God has no need to check His list. Once our name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life, it’s there forever. @FridayKaren ” username=”inspireafire”]
Free Worldwide Delivery
The letters-from-Santa company offers free worldwide delivery. The first Christmas night brought true love to earth, offering free worldwide delivery to every man, woman, boy and girl.
Heaven delivered a child to us. God in the flesh came to save the world.
What will it be this Christmas? “Ho, Ho, Ho!” or “Holy, Holy, Holy!”?
Do you know Jesus not only as a babe in the manger but as your personal Lord and Savior?
God sent you a letter and delivered it to the front door of your heart. Find the real magic…the true meaning of Christmas this year by opening and reading God’s letter.
[bctt tweet=”A letter from Santa promises to keep the Christmas magic alive for a child. God’s letter brought the promise of a Christmas child to give us life. @FridayKaren” username=”inspireafire”]
Read my Inspire a Fire Christmas post from 2017, The First Christmas and the First Breath of Grace.
*Featured photo by David Beale on Unsplash.
*Top photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash.
*Center photo by Herrmann Stamm on Unsplash.
*Bottom photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash.