According to Andy Williams, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. But as thousands of people around the world can testify, it’s not a good time at all. Holidays make painful experiences–loss, financial crisis, joblessness, loneliness–more poignant … more painful.
God calls us to do more than “hang in there”—to endure with a type of stamina that the saved and unsaved alike can muster. God wants us to persevere—to live with patient confidence that what He promised will happen (Revelation 3:10).
On difficult days, this task seems impossible.
When God appears to be unresponsive, this calling feels unfeasible.
If, during times of waiting on God, our perseverance were reliant on our own strength, we would be in serious trouble. But thankfully, we have a God who doesn’t faint or falter.
The same God who commands us to persevere, empowers us to do so. He has not set us in motion like a child sets a spinning top, then sits back to watch it spin on its own.
He has enabled us, entrusted us, and now He expects us to persevere on the path He has called us to travel. And for our good and His glory, He travels with us.
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable” (Isaiah 40:28 ESV).
Photo by Raceytay