There’s something strange about growing up. When you’re a little kid, everything is possible. You can be an astronaut, president, a solider, firefighter, and you can even be Spider Man. You’re free to be a dreamer. When you get older, people start to limit your abilities.
You’re no longer qualified to go to space.
Being president is strongly discouraged.
People cringe at the sound of “solider” because it screams danger.
Being a firefighter is all right, but how much money do you make?
Spider Man isn’t real.

The life you once led, one without limitation, is now a checklist of all the things you can’t do.
I’m thankful to say the people in my life have spent more time encouraging me to reach for the stars, than pulling me to earth. I’ve rarely been told I’m too old to do something. Then again, that could be because the critics have spent more time telling me I’m too young. That’s right. Age negativity goes both ways.
You’re either too young to achieve something or too old to dream. We’ll never win.
I’m here to tell you God doesn’t slap an age on your dreams. If He’s told you to do something, He wants you to do it. Whether your eighteen or eighty, He’s waiting and He believes in you.
It sounds simple, but I know it isn’t. If you’ve been told you’re too old to accomplish your dreams, I want share a few reminders with you today. I hope after you’ve read this article, you decide not to give up. No matter what it is, you can do it. I believe in you.
First. Dreams are hard for other people to understand. If you want to write a book, it may seem completely clear to you. You know how to write and write well. You’ve nailed down characters and a plot. All you have to do is get it on paper. Others, however, see the multitude of books on Barnes & Noble shelves and wonder how yours could possibly squeeze in.
Be patient. The people around you aren’t going to understand how important your dream is, until you show them. Write the book. Put in the work it takes to find a publisher, and get it on shelves or online. They may not recognize your gift and determination until they pick up the book for themselves.
Second. People are going to doubt you. Every day you’ll come in contact with someone who doesn’t believe in you. We’ve all seen it and we’ve all dealt with it. In middle school I had a teacher squash my dreams by saying I should set small goals, so I’m not too disappointed when things don’t work out. The key is realizing how much God believes in you. He gave you this dream for a reason. It’s not so you can flounder and fail. He gave it to you, because He knows if you work with Him you’ll exceed everyone’s expectations. He knows you’re amazing because, after all, He created you.

Third. Nothing is going to happen if you don’t try. You have to be willing to strap on the armor of God and get moving. He’s going to help you through the challenges, but He’s not going to do the work for you. Remember, He gave YOU this dream. He didn’t keep it for Himself.
Fourth. Be willing and be courageous. Don’t let anyone steal your joy or your dreams. When someone talks down to you, says you’re too old, keep pushing on. Maybe someone crushed their dream. Don’t let them do the same for you.
Through the process of accomplishing everything you hope for, don’t forget God. He wants you to succeed more than anyone, and He’s the one who has the power to help you. When things are looking bleak, hold onto Him. Listen to what He says about you. He’ll always tell you the truth.
Today’s a new day, readers. Today’s YOUR day. Get out there and show this world what God’s given you. It won’t be easy, but you can do it. Have a little faith.