Jesus told her, I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.
John 11:25 NLT
Easter Sundays can be filled with pressure and anxiety.
My family and I were pastoring a church in Illinois, but we left to celebrate Easter alone. The morning began with an early service followed by a mid-morning service. People filtered in, dressed in their Easter best. Sounds of conversation filled the church, and, later, excitement twinkled in the people’s eyes as they rushed to get their Easter lunches.
My family and I gathered our belongings from the sanctuary as the excitement began to lose its momentum. My wife used this quiet moment to whisper her pride in my performance. Her encouragement was a great end to the service.
Loneliness caused me to question the move to a church so far from family and friends. We entered into our house, which was filled with silence, as others were still consumed by the conversation of the day. We had previously celebrated Easter with family and friends as they were.
As I began to unwind, my mind contemplated my sacrifice for this day. My whole life was based on this day. If Jesus never rose from the grave, my life and sacrifices were empty expressions.
Easter is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. We enter into the Lord’s house to join others in this celebration. Jesus was declaring that He would not only have a resurrection but that He was the Resurrection. The Father in heaven had already embedded in Him the power to overcome.
We have the same power in our lives to overcome—the ability to rise above the problems of our lives and find His strength. Christ died for our sins and rose from death for our empowerment.
As my family celebrated our first Easter alone, I was encouraged when I realized the strength to leave family and friends to teach this gospel was already embedded in my soul. I was walking in God’s power and had conquered my fears.
The same power that raised Jesus from the grave is in you today. Find His strength because He is calling you to do something great!