Have you ever wondered how understanding the true meaning of leadership might help us reach our goals? As a former salon and spa owner, I know a little about what to do and what not to do to run a successful business. Good leadership skills are crucial for accomplishing goals in any venture. Leading and listening go together. Learning the right balance isn’t always easy. If you’re not careful, you could get lost along the way.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV
Understanding truth and leading by example
Other than studying scripture and having a strong desire to follow Jesus; the one leader who always led by example, and the addition of a few influential people God strategically placed in my life throughout the years, I can’t say I’ve always enjoyed being led. The last several years have served to prove; the true meaning of leadership isn’t always what we’ve been led to believe.
3 ways leaders might encourage others to reach their goals
- They inspire individuals to dream by giving positive direction as they guide.
- They manage and utilize their team’s talents to benefit each other.
- They influence and maximize the efforts of others to set—and reach goals.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams
Understanding the attributes of true leadership
- Teacher ~ A true leader teaches and guides in such a selfless manner, that his or her team naturally follows.
- Giver ~ The best leaders are givers of their time, resources, and knowledge.
- Counselor and Friend ~ True leaders instill hope, confidence, and belief in others’ abilities by listening and walking beside them.
Inspiring the fire of our calling
I’ve been told I’m a wanderer at heart. However, even I know when it’s time to stop wandering. Gardening. Hiking. Deer whispering. All the above help me (temporarily) avoid sorting through cluttered rejections swirling around in my brain. But truthfully, the stack of books on my desk, and the lack of chapters on unfinished documents for projects I know I’m called to finish cause sleepless nights.
Sometimes, I just need to listen to the wind and adjust my sails. In instances when I’m off course or can’t seem to navigate life’s hardest moments, God uses many individuals to inspire the fire of my calling.
Subtle (or not so subtle) reminders often poke at my heartstrings as if to say maybe it’s time to stop procrastinating or worrying about what the world says and get back to doing. It’s my journey. Just like your calling is your journey.
So, now all we must do is buckle up and get to work . . . This usually happens after I’ve prayed or cried out to God for guidance, and especially during challenging circumstances or let-downs.
The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.
John Maxwell
Jesus, Servant Leader
God is for us, not against us. His Son Jesus showed the way and went the way of a servant leader—The One example of unconditional love and leadership for all. When he said it was finished, He reached His goal . . . He saved us from ourselves, fulfilled Biblical prophecy, and led the way for us to walk in freedom. Now and always. I believe Jesus showed us how understanding the true meaning of leadership might help us reach our goals.
Promise Keeper
People will always let us down. There’s only one Promise Keeper worth keeping. The only favor I seek is from Him.
Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me, let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.
Psalm 43:3 NIV
Jehovah Raah ~ Shepherd Guardian
(Excerpt from my prayer poetry collection 2011)
Jehovah Raah, My Shepherd Guardian, I humbly pray the journey of my life serves as evidence of Your leadership. You’ve guided me in good times and in sorrow. Let me be a light that leads the weak and weary, and let it be Thee, not me they see.
Help me forgive and love my offenders, my spirit praying for them even while I sleep. Give me more and more wisdom so I can testify about the giver of all wisdom.
May I not merely react to circumstances of life but rather respond to the knowledge of who you are in every situation in my life. So, as Your word assures all who love, fear, and humble themselves to Thee in every valley or mountaintop experience of this life . . .
May we rise in Your strength in the morning.
This is where He leads us
Dear friends,
Have you ever wondered about where God is leading you or how understanding the true meaning of leadership might help you reach your goals? What sacrifices do we need to make to become all He wants us to be?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject. After all, it’s not only about the here and now. It’s about eternity. Don’t forget to join us in the Inspire A Fire comments section below this post.
Similar stories to share with family and friends: Andy Lee: What We Learn About Leadership From Jesus , Charles Huff: Leadership Style Jesus Gave , Dena Hobbs: How To Lead Children In The Faith, Joann Claypoole: The Mystery of Gentleness and The Way to Love , Hope has A Name
Please stop by my Dreamdove’s Flights of Fancy blog: https://joannclaypoole.wordpress.com or checkout my children’s chapter book, The Gardener’s Helpers at: https://joannclaypoole.com or http://amazon.com/Gardeners-Helpers-Morgan-James-Kids/ Look for me on FB, Instagram, Pinterest, or Twitter for more stories, sharable scripture quotes, writer’s life wows and woes, and the every day family la-la-la.
~ Wishing you love, blessings, and peace for the journey. Heaven will be worth it all.
*Special thanks to Pixabay for use of all free images: Featured image by (M. Maggs) WildOne, #1 image by Guenther Dillingen, #2 image by mores345, #3 image by (Joe) jplenio