How to Face the Fears of These Uncertain Times

by Nan Jones

how to face our fears in these uncertain times

The porch swing rocked in peaceful rhythm. My spirit stirred as I looked up from my Bible, raising it to my breast and grasping the wonder of God its pages contained. I had just read these words, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You” (Job 42:5).


 I looked toward the ridge where the sun began its evening descent. Magenta began rising above the trees. Lavender and apricot clouds tossed their petals across the wide expanse as the North Star made its appearance. Soon multitudes of stars — glistening diamonds — would make their presence known against an indigo sky.

I rocked back and forth thinking about the Lord.

face our fears for our nationThese are uncertain days. Political upheaval. A racial divide that is breaking my heart. Riots. Violence. The loss of decency. Many are frightened of the days ahead that seem to swirl in darkness fueled by evil and deception and corruption. But …

Grasp the wonder of God! Consider the majesty of who He is — His magnificence, His sovereignty, the tender watch-care He affords His children.

He is too great to comprehend, and yet He loves us and desires rich fellowship with us. God is fully aware of the state of our nation and world. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Nothing is too difficult for Him.

And He hears the cries of His children pleading for mercy over our crumbling America.

How do we face these fears? With our eyes focused on the One who holds the world in His hands, who tells the ocean how far to come, who counts the hairs on our heads and knows our name.

We face our fears with Him.

how to face our fears in uncertain timesI encourage you to sit on your porch, lounge on your deck, or lay on a quilt beneath a summer sky and consider the works of His hands.

Fix your eyes on Him, your thoughts resting in the sure place of His love.

Like Job, creation speaks to me. I’ve learned to hear His voice in the rolling thunder, to recognize His power in the electric current of a lightning strike. I’m awakened to His presence in the gentle breeze as He walks on the wings of the wind. I recognize the glory of His heavenly places reflected in the luminous prisms of sunrise and sunset.

And I find His holiness there. I believe you will too.

WILL YOU TRUST HIM in The Face of Your Fears?

 Won’t you let Him into your hurting heart? Will you trust Him with a frightening future, knowing that we can rest in His sovereignty? Will you spend time grasping the wonder of God to better understand Him?

Healing, peace, and courage is in His hand.


Nan Jones

Nan Jones is an author/speaker who uses the words of her heart to assist fellow Christians in discovering the Presence of God in their darkest hour. She has been published in several anthologies as well as the online inspirational sites Christian Devotions, and Inspire a Fire where she is a monthly contributor. She is also a monthly contributor to PW Connections, a blog and forum to encourage pastors' wives. Nan has had the honor of being featured as a guest blogger on several sites. She is thrilled to announce her debut book, The Perils of a Pastor's Wife released June 30, 2015 by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. This memoir was a 2016 Selah finalist. When Nan isn't writing, she enjoys leading prayer retreats, bible studies or sharing God’s love as keynote speaker for special events. She is becoming known by her brand: "Even so, I walk in the Presence of the Lord" as she teaches her audience to go beyond the veil to find God's Presence. You may visit Nan at her website: Nan has also created a facebook community page, Seeing Beyond The Veil, to provide a place for folks to go and get away from the chaos for a few moments and focus on Jesus through scripture, worship, testimony, and inspirational quotes. For personal communication you may email Nan at The Perils of a Pastor's Wife is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and LPC Bookstore

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