How Impatient are You? by Julie Jones

“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope.” – Psalm 130:5 NIV

One delicious treat I like to provide for myself is reading the paper during my children’s nap time. Every Tuesday, our local newspaper provides a free edition in each driveway filled with good news and happy pictures of weekly events. This afternoon, I turn to an article by my pastor, who is an avid gardener, in which he writes about impatiens. Now, I love this flower and have planted them for years, but I have never paid attention to its spelling. All this time, I just assumed I was planting “impatients,” as if the flower just couldn’t wait for something.

Actually, I was right; well, sort of. Impatiens are used in a type of flower remedy (one of 83 Bach remedies) for alleviating impatience. They are also used in the “Five Flower Remedy” for alleviating anxiety. Don’t go rushing out to your flower box just yet, though. Impatiens have a bitter taste, and upon ingesting, can cause unfriendly intestinal ailments. I’ll let you think about that one without too much description.

I’ve noticed myself being impatient more lately. My toddler girls always seem to want to try doing things themselves- like putting on their own shoes when we’re already late or getting in the car all by themselves when letting me help would be so much faster. I’ve been noticing impatience in my prayer life as well. I’ve journaled about my hopes, dreams, requests, then read my Bible seeking some sign, some something, that would give me a clue to where God is leading me. Yesterday, I complained in my journal that if God would just tell me what was going to happen, that I’d be so much happier. I can’t stand all this not-knowing (insert screams and banging of fists). Doesn’t God have a way of showing us to ourselves? How spoiled I must seem. How loving He must be to tolerate such behavior from a grown up (who was not acting all that grown at the moment).

I once heard a story in which our prayers are like a child’s crayon sketch of a house. Handing this plan to an architect or contractor with the directions to “build this” are much like our prayers to God. He loves us too much to always give us what we think we want. God has a plan. He knows what He is doing. And it is always, in the end, much grander than we could ever have planned on our own.

What are you cultivating today? Are you letting your impatience grow, or are you nurturing your trust in the Creator? I need to stop being impatient and let God take care of me. I pray, for you, the same.

Photo Courtesy of paulabflat


Pirate Preacher

The Pirate Preacher is part of "Team Jesus" with Christ' Church at Moore Square. On Monday nights he leads a "Jesus Study" in Moore Square. Each Sunday between 12:30 and 1:30 the Pirate Preacher and others, gather in the park to hand out food, water, and other items that add to the abundant life Jesus promised. He's also is an award-winning author of middle-grade, YA, and adult fiction and a writing coach and instructor. He writes a middle grade mystery book series for Christian readers.

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