Holiness in a Headband

She will place on your head an ornament of grace; A crown of glory she will deliver to you (Proverbs 4:9).

“Can I ask a silly question?”

“Of course.” I smiled at my friend. “Anything.”

“Do you wear headbands for any other reason than to simply give a pop of color?” Her eyes shifted from my face to the swirled tie-dye hairpiece holding back my blonde bangs.

I chuckled. “Funny you should ask.” My hand automatically went to my head. “This one’s from my pen pal, a woman in Albany, Oregon. A Christmas gift.”

I returned my hand to the steering wheel and proceeded to pull out of the parking lot where we’d met to carpool. We were headed to another friend’s home in a neighboring community for a ladies’ luncheon.

After a moment, “I guess people sort of know headbands are my thing because I get them as gifts from friends, and, believe it or not, sometimes from complete strangers.” I giggled again. “And, well, doesn’t Paul talk about women covering their heads when they pray, or something like that.”

My companion nodded. “Yes, that’s true. Anyway, they’re so pretty.”

This conversation happened only days before Christmas, stirring a memory of another conversation concerning a gift, a stranger, and a colorful headband. It happened half a dozen years ago, and I learned a valuable lesson, something for which I’m still thankful.


Her cheery countenance greeted me.

Standing behind the hotel front desk, the young woman wore an all-black uniform with a bright blue headband that stood out against her dark skin and hair.

“Good morning,” she said. “How can I help you?”

“I’m checking out,” I replied. “I just wanted to be sure I was squared away.”

“Let me see. What’s the name?”

“Miller. Rooms 214 and 216.”

Her fingers danced on computer keys as she pulled up my account.

“Yes, m’am. You’re good to go. Was everything to your satisfaction?”

“Everything was wonderful. Thank you.” My eyes shifted from her face to her curly hair. “I love that headband. Seems we share something in common.” I tapped my own with my pointer and grinned.

The young woman giggled. “Yeah, seems so. And I love yours. It’s so… so colorful.”

It was indeed my favorite. “Oh, thank you. It goes with just about everything.”

Our eyes met again. “Safe travels,” she offered.

“Thank you, and happy New Year.”

The cold winter air nipped my cheeks as the hotel’s automatic doors opened, and I stepped into the blustery Detroit morning. The warmth of my car was a welcome relief.

“Brrr,” I said to my two youngest kids who were waiting for me in the van. “We’re definitely in Michigan.”

Before pulling out to begin our day’s journey north, I programmed my GPS with our next destination. We were caravanning with my eldest son and his girlfriend, as well as another young couple—all of us heading to the Upper Peninsula for a week of snowmobiling and winter fun at a family farm.

As we sat idling, waiting for the others to pull around, I heard it–

His still, small voice.

Give her your headband.


Give her your headband.

I shifted in my seat, suddenly uncomfortable. Had I heard correctly?


There were all sorts of justifications running through my mind. It was just a silly headband. Who would want to wear someone else’s? She’d think I was crazy. She would throw it away, afraid it was dirty. It was too cold to get out of the car and go back inside.

Besides, I didn’t want to give it away. I love it, I silently argued.

My banter with God was suddenly interrupted by an incoming call.

“Good morning, sweetie. Did you make it to the office?” My husband was to join us in Michigan in several days, flying north rather than driving from our North Carolina home.

“Yep. How about you? Are you on your way?” Bill inquired.

“Just getting ready to pull out. I’m waiting on the others. I think they’re loading the truck.”

“How’s the weather?”

“Cold. Slightly overcast, but not as windy as last night. It snowed a little.”

“Well, be safe, and don’t forget to send me pictures.”

I knew Bill was sad to not be with us, but he had to work. Besides, he didn’t really enjoy long road trips, so flying was actually a relief for him.

We hung up, and I positioned my phone to take a selfie of our trio. “Say ‘cheese’.”

I texted the photo to Bill and almost immediately, my phone pinged his reply. Hey. That’s a recycled picture, he’d written. Isn’t it the same one you took yesterday?

I wrote back, No, Silly. Can’t you tell? Different headband.

I’m known for my plethora of headbands—ranging in colors and patterns. I’d taken a selfie of the three of us the day before as we’d waited in a drive-thru line, then sent it to Bill.

Another text came through. Hahaha, he’d written. Nice headband.

And right then, I knew.

I had heard correctly. God wanted me to walk back into the Hampton Inn and give the sweet young lady my colorful–my favorite–one.

All the reasonable justifications in the world wouldn’t change that, because sometimes God calls us to holiness by asking that we do what might seem unreasonable. Plain and simple.

Before I’d change my mind, I told the kids, “I’ll be right back.”

“What are you doing now?” my teenager moaned.

“I need to go back in for a moment.”

“I want to go with you.” Allie, my then nine-year-old, unbuckled.

“Okay. Let’s go.”

We stepped out of the cozy car and into the chill, my heart pounding.

She’s gonna think I’m crazy, I complained to God. But He didn’t relent.

 A moment later, “Hey. I’m back.”

The hotel clerk looked up. “Already? I hope everything’s okay.” Her smile was radiant—her white teeth a beautiful contrast to her dark skin.

I paused for a moment.


“God… God told me to give you my headband.”

I took it off and handed it to her. She stared at me, her smile broadening, though her eyes held a bit of confusion.

“I promise, it’s clean, but it can be washed,” I added.

And then, without hesitation, the young woman rushed around the guest relations counter and wrapped her arms around me. “Oh my goodness. Bless you for your kindness and for listening to God,” she said. “Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome. It will look beautiful on you.” I chuckled. “And don’t forget, it goes with almost anything.”

Pulling away, our eyes met and we smiled at one another once more.

“Safe travels,” she said.

“Thank you. And again, happy New Year.”


Sometimes God asks us to do strange things to demonstrate His holiness. His love. His ministry of reconciliation.

We don’t always know why or what impact it will make. He just asks that we obey. After all, He’s writing a story with our lives.

This experience is now part of my story, as well as this woman’s, not to mention my daughter’s having witnessed this simple act.

I could’ve said no.

I certainly wanted to, and my justifications were valid. But I’d have missed the blessing of the young woman’s smile, her gratitude.

More, I’d have missed the blessing of joy that comes when we obey, which is, in truth, a demonstration of holiness.

Yes, God is honored, even when it’s as simple as the giving of a colorful headband to a stranger at the Hampton Inn.

Father, help us be obedient–no matter how seemingly insignificant. If you call, may we follow. Amen.

(All photos used with permission from Pixabay.)

Maureen Miller

Maureen Miller is wife to Bill, mother to three born-in-her-heart children, and Mora to three grand-girls. She lives on Selah Farm, a hobby homestead nested in the mountains of western North Carolina. She believes in the beauty of collaborative writing, including guest blogging, and she strives to encourage others along life's journey. Praying to have eyes and ears open to experience God in His created world, Maureen writes about such at https://penningpansies.com, and she regularly shares stories in her local newspaper.

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  1. Equally important, your daughter heard you listen and obey God. A great life lesson.

    1. Yes. It was a good moment for her to witness, though I must say— sometimes people compliment my headbands, and she always asks under her breath, “Are you going to give it away, Mom?” Haha!
      Happy New Year!

  2. Maureen – I love this story.
    Who knows what that gift meant to this woman !
    Only the Lord!
    Bless you!!

  3. Great story. Sometimes following Jesus doesn’t make sense. But obedience is so freeing.

    I’d like to know the woman’s story.

  4. Maureen, your writing is beautiful. If it could be described tangibly, I think it would be the image of your colorful headband. It brings joy to others, bright and soft, and used by the Lord to bless the eyes reading. You give us writers the perfect example of how to show rather than tell. May the Lord bless your obedience with this gift.

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