As I look back on my life, I marvel at the changes and challenges God brought me through. If I were really honest about myself, I would say I was strong-willed, stubborn. Fear of being wrong and fear of rejection kept me from experiencing many things. I covered these with the way I spoke and what I talked about, gaining a reputation of sounding older beyond my years. Born an old soul.
Cooperating with Change
Big changes began in 1973. First, after years of being God’s prodigal, I had long-forgotten Bible verses drop in and occupy my thoughts. In a few weeks’ time, Jesus got my attention and pulled me back into His family. A week later, He introduced me to the girl who would be my wife and life partner.
That year, He set me free from smoking and drinking—not that I did much of either, but their barbs were deeply set in me. Other tools Satan used to hold me and trip me, God broke and severed. I sensed God speaking another change for my new family, but it came about in an unexpected way. My boss fired me. My wife and I cried out with tears that we didn’t have cash reserves to ride this out. We needed a sure and quick direction.

I had said to my wife (and the Lord) I never wanted to live in Aurora, Illinois, and I never wanted to work under her dad as a security guard. That’s the very door the Lord opened to us.
Change Breaking Pride
With some college years and scholastic achievements behind me, I viewed the job way below my worth. I resented it at the beginning, but I kept reminding myself of our prayer, asking God to guide and provide both where we should live and what I should do. God gave us a clear answer to our prayer, so I looked for what He had for me in that placement. The alone time I had in the guardhouse between rounds became precious to me. I used it to read my Bible and meditate on the verses, things I wouldn’t normally have done with any other job.
A church elder approached me one day and said he thought we should be praying for a day job for me. Taking that as a word from the Lord, my wife and I added that to our petitions, reminding the Lord I never wanted to work in a factory. Again, God made His direction and provision abundantly clear. I not only learned to enjoy working in the factory, but I also learned never to tell God what you never want.
Change Revealing More of Christ
One of the most fascinating job moves Jesus took me through happened within that factory. The supervisor of a subassembly line tapped me to be his set-up man. That position required the skill to change fixtures on machines to run different parts and, more importantly, to make adjustments and repairs when things were not working as they should. I objected. “Machines hate me. They stop working when I simply walk past them. I am not the man you want for this job.” Jesus cleared the path ahead of me, so I knew His hand was in the change. He gave me the wisdom I needed for each set-up and work interruption.
Change to See the Big Picture
Following that job, I did teaching, carpentry, painting, minor plumbing, and electrical repairs, grant writing, and administration, and finally worked as a non-profit executive director. On the surface, none of the jobs seemed to have any connection, but in the end, the Lord showed me how the varied lessons in each position helped me fulfill later responsibilities.
Perhaps you’ve heard it said that Jesus wastes nothing. I can say it’s true. But I learned a greater lesson of eternal value from my job history. Jesus never sets a door of change before us that does not come with the grace and wisdom we’ll need to get through it.
Change: Stepping Stones in Our Walk of Faith
The value of that lesson becomes clear when we realize how much living out of our lives in His kingdom on earth involves change. Here are reminders from the Apostle Paul on God’s plan in change:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV).
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18 NKJV).
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2 NKJV).
Accept change when it comes. Embrace it. Don’t resist the Spirit by being dull of hearing or by fearing the unknown.
Head for the Happy Ending
A contrasting comfort for us in the midst of change is that Jesus never changes.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8 NKJV). Experience deeper comfort by coupling that truth with the Lord’s promise to never leave us or forsake us. We change to be like Him, but even that is not our doing. It is being open to letting Him work in us. His grace, wisdom, and power will see us through every change.