I nearly missed my deadline. I’m miles from home on my way to my daughter’s college graduation  and the second Thursday of the month just snuck up on me. Trying to compose something in the car while hoping the motel in Buttonwillow would have wi-fi I realized a lot of my sense of communication with God comes down to obeying commands.For example  “Go forth and make disciples…”. The Great Commission. It made me wonder, in the face of oncoming headlights, if there might be situations where God gives us a different sort of communique, a Great Permission, if you will allow me the awful pun.
It’s late, nearly midnight, and this, my first on-the-road blog needs help from the readers to flesh it out. My Bible is back home, right on my desk where i put it so I would be sure not to forget it, so I ask for help to see if scripture bears out my notion that He gives us permission…to fail.
Since He promises to never leave us, nor forsake us, there must be instances where it is some sort of option. Isaiah, among others I presume, says the Lord is slow to anger, quick to forgive. I’m sure I’ve read He gives us all over to disobedience to demonstrate His mercy.
Many a praise song refers to how we fall, but we keep getting up. The saints that I know are sinners with a working passion for forgiveness. If doubt is part of the formula that proves faith viable, then failure is part of redemption’s equation.
When we forget to do something good, like meet a deadline, or pack a Bible, it gives our community a chance to be part of the Lord working all things together for our good. At least that’s what I’m hoping for, what say you?
Enjoyed your thoughts and hope you enjoyed the graduation. If the motel has wi-fi, you can access the Bible easily. I personally like The Bible Site @ http://www.thebiblesite.org/online-bible/. There are many others. I like, also, YouVersion located @ https://www.bible.com/bible.