God is listening.
As the Great Engineer of our lives, the Almighty has not left us to figure things out by ourselves. In addition to telling us that the very hairs of our head are
numbered (Matthew 10:30), God has granted us an open door policy for coming to Him with our cares and concerns. This is truly an incredible demonstration of care in light of the many ways we have disappointed Him.
God longs to meet His children at the throne of grace.
And unlike King Ahasuerus from the Book of Esther, God has made it clear that we need not fear approaching His throne. We will not risk our lives or livelihood by bringing petitions or requesting help.
In fact, our lives and livelihood are in danger when we do not seek His intervention.
His eyes are open and His ears attentive. There is no greater assurance, no sweeter promise in all the Bible than this: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 ESV).
We are blessed.
Photo by sparksoffire