Erasing the Blackboard
Ah, the black felt eraser. In the days before overhead projectors, computers, and smart boards, how many of you raised your hand and asked your teacher if you could erase the blackboard?
Holding that black felt eraser gave a feeling of power, didn’t it? As we pushed it back and forth, we obliterated the words our teacher scrawled all over the board.
Unfortunately, though, no matter how hard we pushed that eraser back and forth, it never quite removed all the chalk. A trace always remained on the board.
Only after the board was washed with water were the traces of chalk dust completely removed.
The Old Eraser
After I became the teacher instead of the student, I realized how truly awful erasing blackboards is. The chalk dust got all over the place. Even the dustless chalk wasn’t dustless.
In addition to getting on my hands, chalk particles flew through the air and caused me to sneeze. Chalk dust settled on my clothes. Especially my dark colored ones.
Residue rested in the dust tray; a tray I inevitably leaned against, ending up with chalk streaks across my backside. Not pretty.
Needless to say, I was more than happy to hand over the job of erasing the blackboard at the end of the day to a student eager to do the job for me.
A New Eraser
However, one day I found an amazing new eraser at the teacher supply store. It was the best. There were no more rows of felt, like the other erasers I used. Instead, this eraser was made out of foam or rubber of some sort. I loved, loved, loved it.
To my grateful amazement, this new eraser took away every single speck of dust. No more residue remained on the board or in the tray.
The faint image of previous words and numbers were gone. Erased. Forgotten. It was a teacher’s dream come true.
A Better Eraser
But you know what? As wonderful as my new eraser was, God’s eraser is even better. Amen?
It doesn’t matter what was written across the blackboard of our life, the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God’s eraser washes every single speck away.
Once our sins are erased through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross, there is no residue left. No chalk dust floats around to irritate us. White specks don’t land on our clothes.
Most importantly, there are no more faint reminders of past sins. They have been erased. Forgotten. Washed clean.
Satan’s not real happy about that, you know. He wants to keep reminding us of our sins and our failings. Satan wants us to believe our sins really haven’t been erased–much like the faint images the felt eraser left behind.
Satan wants us to feel guilty and walk around with embarrassing chalk lines on our backside.
Your Turn
Because Jesus took all our sins upon himself and nailed them to the cross, it really doesn’t matter what Satan wants.
God’s eraser removes every sin’s stain. Even that thing we didn’t think could ever be forgiven.
Even that.
Because Jesus’ death paid the penalty for our sins, every single trace of sin is gone once we put our trust in him. All of it. Past. Present. Future. All gone.
Jesus conquered hell, sin, Satan, and death. His sacrifice on the cross washed clean all who accept him as their Lord and Savior.
We are forgiven, my friends. Washed clean. Completely. Just as my classroom blackboard was washed clean after my custodians took their sponge and water to it.
Are you hanging on to traces of past sins? Don’t listen to Satan’s lies. He’s the Deceiver. He isn’t called the father of lies for nothing, you know. John 8:44
Listen to God instead and let Jesus wipe everything clean.
I wish you well.
If you missed last month’s post, you can find it here.
Photos courtesy Pixabay.
Wonderful post. Loved the comparisons. 🎚️💝
Thanks so much, Sissy.
I’m thankful Jesus wipes away every trace of sin.
Absolutely, Diana.
I’m so thankful even the smallest particles are gone.
Absolutely, Lisa. What a wonderful Savior.