I wrote this devotion a couple of years ago, but I needed the reminder so I thought I’d share it with you, just in case you need the reminder, too.
Matthew 6:26 – Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? (ESV)
In the past few weeks, aside from all the usual amazing things He does (like keeping the earth traveling around the sun at precisely the correct angle to support life…you know…the usual), God has taken particular notice of me.
I know He always notices.
But in the past couple of weeks, He’s been obvious about it.
It started a few weeks ago with a big one. I needed to switch my daughter’s speech therapy to a different time. That might not seem like a big deal, but it is. Despite heroic efforts on the therapist’s part, we finally concluded that it just wasn’t going to happen.
Until the next morning . . .when it did.
I’d been praying for wisdom (you know, since it wasn’t going to happen). He made it happen.
Then came the phone call. The one from my daughter’s bus driver with the news that he could pick her up in the mornings at a reasonable time which means I don’t have to drag all three kids out the door every morning.
I hadn’t even gotten around to praying for that one.
He gave me something I didn’t even know I needed.
Then came the Saturday night email. The one asking if I could help out in a specific class on Sunday morning. Where, it just so happened, the very neighbor I’ve been praying for opportunities to witness to showed up to drop off her son.
He gave me a glimpse into His bigger plan.
Then came Monday morning. When I lost my earring. And I remembered the speech therapy, and the bus schedule, and the neighbor.
So I prayed. (Not a prayer of great faith).
God, it’s just an earring. I know it doesn’t matter all that much in the grand scheme of things. But it matters to me. Could you, maybe, you know, help me out?
When I found the earring a little while later, I heard Him.
I want to be involved in all of your life. You miss out on so much when you don’t bring it—all of it—to me.
Forgive me for making you too small. For knowing you are all-powerful in my head, but living my life as if some of my problems are too big for you. Thank you for holding my world in Your hands and for reminding me that you see it all—the complexity of my day, the desires of my heart, the earring dropping into the bottom of the gym bag. You are awesome.