The eagle species build their nests high upon a rock shelf or rock face. The eagle nest may vary in size between ten to twenty feet, occasionally breaking the tree under the strain of the weight of the nest.
When it is time for the baby eaglet to learn to fly, the eagle pushes the offspring. Forced from the comfortable nest; the eaglet has not yet learned how to operate its’s powerful wings.
[bctt tweet=”God is like the eagle.-Clyde Billingsley” username=”inspireafire”]
The parent eagle allows the eaglet to fall, then swoops down, spreading its vast wingspan of seven feet and carries the eaglet back to the nest. The parent eagle repeats this process until the eaglet learns to fly.
Our Heavenly Father is like an eagle.
“In our human weakness, we fall and are unable to control the circumstances around us. God catches us, builds us up, and strengthen us.” Clyde Billingsley
God is like the eagle, eager to swoop down and carry us safety and heights unimaginable.
Have you ever felt pushed from a comfortable situation?
Read more about our Heavenly Father carrying us to safety in Deuteronomy 32:11.
~ April Dawn White © 2017