Freedom to be Me

Diane Virginia

“Let us do good to all, especially to those of the household of faith.”

Galatians 6:10b NKJV

“If I’ve told you this story, tell me and I’ll skip it.


“It’s okay. If you have, tell me again…”

Pam was beaming as I told her—perhaps again—a story I treasured. I could see in her eyes she cherished it too. And because of this, I felt I could stand a little taller. Life’s struggles were lessened because of her smile, and her listening ear.

As we conversed, with the aroma of hot dogs and burgers wafting across the church fellowship hall, a teenager came by for a hug. I could see from the teen’s smile they’d conversed many times. A child scurried by, but when she saw Pam, she turned a circle to tackle her feet. Yes, Pam cared—and her Christian fellowship was felt by all.

Friend, when we truly care, not only does this influence those around us, it is an effective way of sharing the love of Christ. Love demonstrated is love received. People want to be accepted, known, and welcomed. When we do this, like my friend Pam does without even thinking about it, we want to know more about what motivates their actions. At the heart, for Pam, it is Christ, as it should be for us as well.

How many people have been freed by the love she generously shares? How many stories has she listened to—again—so someone can know they are valued? God only knows, but I am guessing it is a number that exceeds the hairs on her head that He also has counted.

Check your heart motivation. Do good. Then share Christ. This is a plan that works.

Whether we are sharing the A-B-C’s of salvation or discipling someone in deeper gospel truths, only when we’ve demonstrated genuine Christian love do we have their support to go beyond a surface relationship. God set the example, loving us before we ever loved Him, and sending His Son to die in our place. 1 John 4:8 NKJV reads, “God is love.” Love still paves the way. And when we do good to those around us, particularly to our Christian brothers and sisters, the body functions in unity as it should and Christ is glorified.

Share ways you can demonstrate genuine love for those in your sphere of influence.

Heavenly Father, help me to find ways to show I care so those I know can come to experience Your Son’s love in a tangible way.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Diane Virginia

Diane Virginia (Cunio) is the founder/director of VineWords: Devotions and More, the co-editor/co-compiler of Love-Knots: Stories of Faith, Family, and Friendships (VineWords Publishing), and the author of The Kiss of Peace: A Contemporary Exploration into Song of Solomon (Mount Zion Ridge Press).

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  1. Diane, I loved the way you put this: “Love still paves the way. And when we do good to those around us, particularly to our Christian brothers and sisters, the body functions in unity as it should and Christ is glorified.” Oh that God would get his glory in the world today!

  2. “When we truly care, not only does this influence those around us, it is an effective way of sharing the love of Christ.” Amen, Diane. Thank you.

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