By Nan Jones @NanJonesAuthor

My mind was on hope as the sun rose above the mountain ridge.
The morning dew lay heavy upon the grass, glistening drops of refreshment clinging to each blade. In each tiny globe of moisture, the light of a new day reflected like glitter scattered across the field.
I thought of how the dew was formed — the warm air rising from the earth clashing with the cooler air of descending darkness.
I thought of the juxtaposition of one season to another — the warmth of summer wrestling with the chill of fall, much like the dark of night softens to morning light.
God’s Grace — His Mercies New Every Morning Offer Us Hope
And I thought of God’s grace — His mercies new every morning, especially it seems, in the clash of life’s seasons, the juxtapositions that challenge our faith.
Sipping my coffee, I listened for the Lord’s delicate whisper — searching His heart for a better understanding of hope, that elusive gift I found myself yearning for.

God’s grace abounds in those times. Like dew resting upon a parched earth, His grace settles on a parched and thirsty soul.
Jeremiah spoke of these things: the juxtaposition of feeling despair yet knowing God.
In Lamentations, he spoke of how his world had fallen apart, his beloved Jerusalem had been defeated and captured.
He wrote how he would never forget the trouble, the utter lostness, nor the reality of consuming despair when he remembered the difficult places …
How Did Jeremiah Cling to Hope?
But Jeremiah goes on to say that there is one other thing he remembers, and in that remembering he clings to hope:
“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘Therefore I hope in Him!’” ~ Lamentations 3:22-24

Jeremiah knew that he knew God would not fail him. He knew God’s everlasting love could not have run out, nor His mercies ceased to exist — even though circumstances would say otherwise.
He reminded Himself that the Lord His God is faithful and to be trusted.
He took time to remember.
And in the remembering He found strength to face the difficulties.
With the warmth of the rising sun on that fall morning, the glistening dewdrops began to evaporate, but not without satisfying the thirst of each blade of grass first. Strength imparted. Soaking refreshment.
And the grass stood a bit taller, stretching towards the heavens, waving at the sun.
That’s a bit like hope.
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[bctt tweet=”Like dew resting upon a parched earth, His grace settles on a parched and thirsty soul. @NanJonesAuthor @AmWriting #ChristianWriter #FindingHope” username=”@inspireafire”]