“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
I have a love/hate relationship with spring in Louisiana. I love how the sky seems more blue and the grass turns a darker shade of green. I love the magnolias that bloom and spread their sweet scent into the breeze. I love sitting outside in the soft grass and watching the sunset.
But anyone who lives in Louisiana knows that spring brings rain. Lots of rain. Sunny days suddenly turn stormy and torrential downpours flood streets and soak shoes. Those beautiful, blooming flowers secrete pollen that turns my white car a nasty shade of yellow and causes me to sniffle and sneeze and my eyes to turn red.
Spring, for many people, is a season of transition as school semesters end and summer vacation plans are made. I have been looking forward to this particular spring for four years. In a few short weeks, I will be graduating from college and starting a summer job in a new city. After my summer job ends I will be heading to Georgia for training for the World Race and then a month later, I will be starting my journey.
This season of finishing up college is one, I can honestly say, I have not always enjoyed. I sometimes wish I could fast forward to the day when I walk across the stage and receive my diploma.
But one thing I have learned is that every season has a purpose. In this season I have learned so much about the faithfulness of God.
There are always seasons in our lives that seem more exciting and full of adventure than others. But if we can learn to embrace every season, we might find something we did not expect. If I was traveling the world instead of studying journalism at LSU this spring, I would have missed out on some incredible friendships and opportunities God has given me.
The faithfulness of God in this season has been incredible. When discouraged about preparations for the World Race, the Lord brought people into my life to encourage me and help me prepare. When I was discouraged about school, the Lord placed a professor in my path, a follower of Jesus, to encourage me about using my writing on the mission field.
Despite this season’s ups and downs, when I walk across the stage in two weeks to receive my diploma and this season ends, I know I will be able to look back and say that without a doubt, God has been faithful through it all. God is faithful to use every season in our lives to bring us closer to Him. {Tweet This}
Amanda Goodroe is a senior at Louisiana State University studying Mass Communication with a focus on print journalism. Amanda went on her first mission trip at age 16 to Costa Rica. This sparked a passion for other cultures and people groups around the world. Beginning in September, she will spend 11 months traveling the world as a missionary and will be blogging about her experiences traveling the globe with only a backpack. Amanda enjoys reading and drinking as much tea as possible. To read more from Amanda, follow her blog at amandagoodroe.theworldrace.org