Psalm 119:105 ~ Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (ESV)
I like detailed directions.
Extremely detailed.
If you ever need directions to my house, I don’t just say turn left on this street and right on that one. Oh no. I include important information such as “Approximately 8/10 of a mile after you turn left you’ll come to a curve that makes you feel like you should put your turn signal on. The curve is 1/10 of a mile from your next right turn.”
People love my directions.
Okay. Actually, they laugh hysterically when the read them, but the reality is, if I give you directions, you are not going to get lost. At least, not if you follow them.
This need for detailed direction is probably why I struggle with Psalm 119:105.
I learned the verse as a child and my mental picture involved an enormous spotlight shining its powerful beam a good 100 yards down the path.
But that’s not what we’re talking about here. Oil lamps don’t give off that much light. We’re talking about just enough light to avoid stubbing your toe on a root or slamming into a boulder.
And this frustrates me.
After all, God is quite capable of giving detailed directions.
Have you seen the book of Leviticus? I mean honestly. Talk about details. (I like to think I get my detail issues from the Almighty—it’s nicer than admitting to being a bit OCD).
And talk about lighting a path. This is the God of the Shekinah glory cloud and the pillar of fire. God knows how to light up a path when He wants to.
And yet . . .
He seems to prefer to give me just enough information to take the next step.
No more. No less.
You can’t race along a path with that little bit of light. Each step must be measured. Each foot placement considered. You have to be on your guard at all times. And you have to have faith that the destination is worth the harrowing journey.
Of course, my faith is what’s at issue.
I have to trust that the One who lights my path, knows my path.
So I continue to step out, never knowing what’s next, but knowing He does.
Oh Abba, Truly, we are thankful that You and You alone know each and every step of our path. You know it from beginning to end. You know each bend, each hill, each obstacle. Help us to trust You. To continue to walk in Your light, knowing that we are held safe in You.