Deep Calls to Deep

Deep Calls to Deep

By: Josh Clevenger

Psalm 42:7 NIV
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. Psalm 42:7 NIV

As a child, I feared water.

I learned to swim a little later than my friends, so I often stayed in the shallow end of the pool. One time in a friend’s pool, I drifted into the deep end, panicked, and lost control. I remember when my feet could not touch bottom and the water began to cover my head. A panic developed in me as I was completely covered by the water. A nearby mom heard my panicked cries and jumped in to guide me back to safety. The moment was overwhelming.

The psalmist felt the same. As an adult, I see the parallels between my panicked situation and my walk with the Lord. I tend to stay in a comfort level with the Lord, to get comfortable with the feel of my walk, and to see God in a certain light and pattern. I put limitations on God that do not exist because I’m afraid of the moment when I lose control.

The Spirit leads us to places where our comfort level is taken away and where His presence overtakes our being. A place beyond our understanding and ability to comprehend. A destination where tradition and religion cannot lead. The Lord calls us to a state of intimacy—a place of trust where He takes us to a depth that overwhelms our situation.

We often put limits on God’s love, mercy, and grace because we are limited in our understanding. The Lord beckons us to a place where all limitations of His love are removed and where His grace sweeps over our lives every moment—a place of complete peace, but a place where we have no control.

We must lose complete control to find God’s peace and lay down our lives to find God’s purpose. God calls us to a deep relationship beyond our comfort level.

Be overwhelmed by God’s grace so you can find the peace you are searching for.

Josh Clevenger

Josh Clevenger is a husband, father, pastor, evangelist, and writer. He has authored multiple books, and writes encouraging devotionals for his local paper. His ministry began by planting a new church in his hometown which further inspired his writing to encourage a broken and weary people. Josh’s desire is to inspire thoughts and bring the individual closer to Christ.

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  1. Great analogy, Josh. I enjoyed this post. God does indeed often lead us, or at least let us get, over our heads so that he can show up in new and powerful ways.

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