Oh how thankful I am for grubby little boy hands filled with clumps of wilting dandelions.
The Stargazer Lily
Of all flowers
Reigns supreme
On my list
Not for its beauty
But for its meaning
‘Twas the first blossom
                       Given me by the man
                                               I will forever love
Placed on my pillow
By the gentle hands of
The thief of my heart
But the Dandelion
Oh the Dandelion
Follows close behind
Not for its beauty
But for its meaning
‘Twas the first blossom
                       Given me by three little men
                                               I will forever love
Presented in dirty fistfuls
By boys with beaming faces
The thieves of my heart
Surely my days of dandelion bouquets are coming to a close.
For beaming little boys
Do not stay little
And in growing awareness
Of the world
They learn
Dandelions are weeds
Of little value
What they do not comprehend
Is the value lies not in the bouquet
But in the giver of the gift
A beaming dirty-fisted boy
Eager to show his mama his love
I wrote a song 28 years ago about my son giving my a dandelion boquet. We recorded it and he chose it for the dance music for he and my wife at his wedding. Everyone cried, even the dj when he heard the back story.